index | npm-run-all | run-s | run-p | Node API |
A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.
npm run-script
command cannot run multiple scripts, so if we want to run multiple scripts, it's redundant a bit. Let's shorten it by glob-like patterns.npm run clean && npm run build:css && npm run build:js && npm run build:html
npm-run-all clean build:*
to run multiple command in parallel, but cmd.exe
(npm run-script
uses it by default) does not support the &
. Half of Node.js users are using it on Windows, so the use of &
might block contributions. npm-run-all --parallel
works well on Windows as well.$ npm install npm-run-all --save-dev
# or
$ yarn add npm-run-all --dev
.This npm-run-all
package provides 3 CLI commands.
The main command is npm-run-all.We can make complex plans with npm-run-all command.
Both run-s and run-p are shorthand is for sequential, run-p is for parallel.We can make simple plans with those commands.
If a script is invoked with Yarn, npm-run-all
will correctly use Yarn to execute the plan's child scripts.
This npm-run-all
package provides Node API.
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There are some npm-scripts to help developments.
Running multiple scripts in series or in parallel can become very verbose. Using a tool such as npm-run-all can help reduce the amount of overhead you have to type in order to get the same behavior.
Run arbitrary package scripts npm run-script [–silent] [-- …] alias: npm run This runs an arbitrary command from a package’s “scripts” object. If no “command” is provided, it will list the available s
Often times when developing web applications, you need to open multiple tabs to run different scripts to start the application. This can all be done with one command In this lesson, you will learn how
npm的多脚本命令执行 在package.json中可以设置自定义脚本命令。 串行执行(series):脚本之间使用 && ( 两个 & 符号 ) 连接,脚本会一个个按顺序执行,前一个脚本执行结束,才能后执行下一个脚本。 并行执行(parallel):脚本之间使用 & ( 一个 & 符号 ) 连接,脚本会同时执行,同时执行可以提高执行效率。 在window或其他不支持&的时候,可以使用npm-ru
npm-run Run executables in node_modules from the command-line Use npm-run to ensure you're using the same version of a package on the command-line and in package.json scripts. Any executable available
⚠️ ‼️ DEPRECATION WARNING ‼️ ⚠️ This solution is outdated. Check out kentcdodds/cross-env which might better suit your needs! Better NPM scripts runner Avoid hard-coded commands in package.json Cross-
看不懂。。。 log日志如下
问题内容: 和之间有什么区别? 我在项目中注意到,有时npm在执行时会开始失败,但是在运行时,它可以正常工作。 如何这两个目标的内部运作,即与不同? 问题答案: 将依赖项安装到您正在处理的节点项目的目录中。您可以调用另一个node.js项目(模块),以将其安装为项目的依赖项。 是的别名,除非您在package.json文件中指定“ build”的作用,否则它什么都不做。它使您可以在将其用于另一个项
我对gradle和npm都是新手,我正在尝试启动并运行一个Grails3-AngularJS2示例应用程序。 这是应用程序 当我尝试并运行该应用程序时,我得到以下异常,似乎发生在这里
问题内容: 我的package.json文件中有一个npm任务,如下所示执行笑话测试: 我想使用grunt 执行此任务。我为此安装了grunt-run并添加了run任务,但是如何在其中调用此npm任务呢? 问题答案: 配置与文档中显示的示例类似的示例。 将的值设置为。 设置和在数组中。 Gruntfile.js 跑步 使用上面显示的配置通过CLI 运行将调用该命令。 注意:向Array 添加(或等