
CLI Tool for installing & updating Ghost
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 西门振
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Unit TestsLocal E2E TestsE2E Tests

Basic Setup

  • npm install -g ghost-cli@latest
  • ghost install (for a production linux setup, including Nginx, SSL, and Systemd)
  • ghost install local (for a local setup, useful for theme development/testing)

NOTE: This CLI is not designed to work with any Ghost versions < 1.0.0


Project Goals

The objective of the Ghost CLI project is to make setting up and maintaining a Ghost site as straight forward as possible for people who do not want to use Ghost(Pro).

Ghost-CLI is aimed at people who are comfortable in a command line environment, and therefore some technical knowledge is assumed. The design goal of Ghost CLI was to make it possible to install or update Ghost in a single command.

In order to keep these goals obtainable & maintainable by Ghost's small team, we have a recommended system stack that Ghost-CLI works with, and minimal configuration options.

Recommended stack

We officially recommend the stack described here for production installs.

The team behind Ghost CLI only supports this stack. This restriction is very deliberate, as every additional option for configuration or divergent piece of code required to support an additional environment creates exponential complexity and maintenance overhead.

Our primary focus for the project is ensuring that everyone that uses the recommended system stack is able to install, configure, start, stop, restart, update & list their Ghost sites. This includes developing better testing to ensure we are able to prevent regressions, and stabilising the code to ensure that edge cases within the recommended stack are accounted for.

The secondary focus is on improving the CLI itself. We want to ensure that the UI, configuration options, flags, flows, prompts, messages and other behaviours are working for both manual and programmatic use. This also includes improving the documentation to make it easy to use the tool, discover advanced options & debug any common issues.

Anything that falls outside of these two areas is not being actively worked on at present.

Triaging & prioritisation

  • Issues which affect many users with our recommended stack are given first priority
  • Issues which affect small numbers of users are prioritised based on the impact vs the difficulty - i.e. quick fixes will be prioritised, complex issues may be closed and labelled with later & recommended-stack.
  • Issues around documented & understood environment or configuration issues will be closed and labelled with known-issue, users will be directed to the docs & forum.
  • Issues that request modifications in order to support other stacks stack will be closed and labelled with later & other-stack.
  • Issues proposing new features or enhancements will be labelled as such, and in most cases also closed with later.

Help & Support

We aren't able to provide support in GitHub, but we do keep track of common issues with the known-issue label and regularly update documentation & error messages to be clearer.

The documentation for Ghost-CLI can be found at Community support can be found in our forum.

Developer Setup (for contributing)

  1. Fork this repo
  2. git clone<your-username>/Ghost-CLI path/to/your/workspace
  3. cd path/to/your/workspace
  4. yarn install

To run the CLI for testing:

  • yarn link
  • ghost <command> (can run anywhere on the system)

Running tests

yarn test

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license. Ghost and the Ghost Logo are trademarks of Ghost Foundation Ltd. Please see our trademark policy for info on acceptable usage.

  • Refer to

  • 1.备份 把第一块硬盘第一分区信息备份到当前文件夹下 ghost -sure -clone,mode=pdump,src=1:1,dst=system.gho 2.恢复 ghost -sure -rb -clone,mode=pload,src=system.gho:1,dst=1:1 -fx

  • GHOST!英文原意为幽灵,是由SYMANTEC公司出品的一种硬盘镜像软件 1、硬盘间的复制: 有些朋友可能遇到这种情况,比如有两个容量一致的硬盘,其中一个有可以正常运行的操作系统,另一个则为空盘,那么你无需在第二块硬盘上安装WIN98,只需要使用GHOST在很短的时间内就可以完成这项工作。 首先将两块硬盘安装在同一个机器上,设好主从状态,在DOS状态下(有些时候,GHOST也可以WIN98下运行

  • GHOST是General Hardware Oriented Software Transfer的缩写,可译为“面向通用型硬件系统传送器”,通常称为“克隆幽灵”。 克隆软件Ghost使用教程及深入 一、什么是Ghost ? Ghost(幽灵)软件是美国赛门铁克公司推出的一款出色的硬盘备份还原工具,可以实现FAT16、FAT32、NTFS、OS2等多种硬盘分区格式的分区及硬盘的备份还原。俗称克隆软

  • GHOST命令详解  1.-rb 本次Ghost操作结束退出时自动重启。这样,在复制系统时就可以放心离开了。 2.-fx 本次Ghost操作结束退出时自动回到DOS提示符。 3.-sure 对所有要求确认的提示或警告一律回答“Yes”。此参数有一定危险性,只建议高级用户使用。 4.-fro 如果源分区发现坏簇,则略过提示强制拷贝。此参数可用于试着挽救硬盘坏道中的数据。 5.@filename 在f

  • 其实就是用一个DOS模拟器——dosbox,体积非常小,是个跨平台的软件,windows,linux,mac都可以. 安装: smx@smx-Think:~$ sudo apt-get install dosbox …… 然后运行dosbox: smx@smx-Think:~$ dosbox Z:\>SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D2 H5 T6 Z:\> 接下来需要在dosbox里面

  • Ghost使用教程 功能一:磁盘复制到磁盘(不常用,是硬盘对硬盘之间的数据备份,也是分区+数据的克隆) 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "To Disk"(位置记法是1,1,1) 2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择源磁盘驱动器。 3. 在"Selec

  • Ghost 是一个开源的博客平台,  可以把他看作 WordPress 的一个挑战者. 现阶段的 WordPress 已经可以明显感觉到有些臃肿不堪, 无论是构架, 设计,  还是实现处处都显示出这是一个 10 年前就诞生的项目, 尤其是最近几个版本更新, 几乎都只是在功能和交互层面作出改进,  而看不到本质上的进步和优化. 因此我更愿意把 Ghost 看作 WordPress 的继任者. 同时,

  • 无聊的又写了一个静态博客生成软件, 使用ghost主题, 基于node开发,多进程生成, 缓存,上千篇博客也只需几秒生成(除去启动时间, require神马的太慢了。。) 使用方法: sg init     # 初始化文件夹sg generate # 生成静态博客sg server   # 启动本地静态服务器 目录介绍: <当前目录> |-posts   # markdown 文件目录,后缀名为.

  • Ghost是一个用PHP框架Symfony2、Bootstrap实现的微型社区,简洁、快速、响应式设计(手机、平板友好)和可方便定制开发是它的特点。 屏幕截图: 小分辨率截图:

  • ghost-login 此处所说的模拟登录不是指利用网站本身提供的认证API接口进行登录,主要是通过分析前端代码,摸清登录认证原理、核心加密代码,然后程序模拟,来实现自动登录网站的过程; 专门用来解决爬虫采集相关网站数据时模拟登录,验证码自动识别的问题; Specifically designed to solve the crawler when collecting Internet web

  • Ghost Driver 是远程 WebDriver 有线协议的开源实现,使用 PhantomJS 作为后端。

  • 针对Linux版本的系统备份与恢复的Linux发行版,目前可以备份和恢复CentOS和RedHat系列Linux了,此外Ghost Linux开源社区正在积极组建当中,源码也正在积极整理中,之后会考虑开源化处理。此之为Beta版本,请暂时勿用于生产环境。使用此软件,请遵守不得对其改名再进行发布的使用协议。如果您有什么相关建议或者意见,可以联系作者邮箱。希望您会喜欢。



