is an experimental modernized git CLI built on top of git that provides happy defaults and other niceties:
bit add
or bit checkout
bit sync
that vastly simplify your workflowbit release
& bit info
bit --debug
.--- New ---
bit pr
view and checkout pull requests from Github (Requires GitHub CLI)bit update
--- Coming Soon ---
bit fix
for all the times you did something you really wish you didn'tbit sync
Click here for installation instructions
run bit update
Create a new commit (roughly equivalent to git commit -am "commit message"
bit save [commit message]
Save your changes to the current branch [amends current commit when ahead of origin](roughly equivalent to git commit -a
or conditionally git commit -a --amend --no-edit
bit save
Synchronize your changes to origin branch (Beta)(roughly equivalent to git pull -r; git push
bit sync
(roughly equivalent to git pull -r; git push; git pull -r origin master; git push
)bit sync origin master
You have access to ALL git commands as well.
bit commit -m "I can still use git commands"
, bit pull -r origin master
bit switch example-branch
Branch does not exist. Do you want to create it? Y/n
Switched to a new branch 'example-branch'
[Makes some changes]
bit save "add important feature"
for multiline commits simply don't put the final quote until you're done typing
[fix an error for important feature]
bit save
[push changes to origin]
bit sync
[two days later confirm your branch is in sync with origin branch]
bit sync
[rebase your changes from origin master]
bit sync origin master
If you would like to support the development of bit, consider sponsoring me.
Thanks to Gitless, git-extras, researchers in the field and of course the developers of git
itself! Also, thanks to go-prompt for the interactive prompt library
bit sw
as alias for bit switch
bit release bump
bit sync <upstream> <branch>
bit merge
gh pr list
to work)brew install bit-git
or BIT_THEME=monochrome
light terminal backgroundsv0.7
bit update
bit switch
, bit co
, bit checkout
will show promptv0.4
bit sync
go binaries are self-contained so uninstalling simply requires deleting the binary(ies)
rm `which bit`
If you ran bit complete
optionally remove a line from your bash_profile
, .zshrc
complete -o nospace -C /Users/{_USER_}/go/bin/bit bit
(Simplest way to install)Like bit? Sponsor bit for $5
curl -sf | sh;
bit complete;
echo "Type bit then press <ENTER> to show interactive prompt"
To overwrite installation location
export PREFIX=/opt/bit/git && mkdir -p ${PREFIX} ## optional: override default install location /usr/local/bin
, bit checkout
& bit switch
will show interactive prompts after you press ENTER
(Harder way to install)Caveats: GOPATH and GOBIN need to be set. Verify with go env
. If they are not set, add this to your .bashrc or .bash_profile etc. AND open new terminal
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOBIN=$(go env GOPATH)/bin
GO111MODULE=on go get;
bit complete
(For MacOS users)brew install bit-git
bit complete
Not working? Try brew doctor
(For MacOS users)sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install bit
(For Windows Users)go env -w GO111MODULE=on
# if latest is not working, replace it with the latest tag found here
go get;
(For Windows Users)choco install bit-git
zinit ice lucit wait"0" as"program" from"gh-r" pick"bit"
zinit light "chriswalz/bit"
Note: On Windows only the interactive prompt completion works not classic tab completion
For building a stable version from source, use the bit
For building the latest git version from source, use the bit-git
Note: These Packages are community-driven and not offically published my the bit maintainer.
Verify installation with:
Dependencies: Git
Platform Support:
一、bit 位 bit就是位,也叫比特位,是计算机表示数据最小的单位,例如 1b ,2b,3b..... 说白了就是0或者1;计算机内存中的存储都是01这两个东西。 二、byte 字节 byte就是字节 1byte=8bit 1byte就是1B 1byte 存1个英文字母,2个byte存一个汉字。 三、字符 一个字符=2字节 1KB=1024B 字节就是Byte,也是B 位就是bit也是b 四、
一、bit 位 bit就是位,音译为比特,也叫比特位,是计算机表示数据最小的单位,例如 1b ,2b,3b… 说白了就是0或者1;计算机内存中的存储都是01这两个东西。 二、Byte字节 Byte就是字节,音译为拜特,(之前大学一直把byte和bit搞混,因为英语发音实在太容易晕,所以一定要记住口头说比特的时候就是存储0或1的基础单元。)一个字节等于8位,是。为什么等于8位,主要与最初的编码格式有
bit是计算机中数据的最小单位,即二进制位,数字0和1 一个字节是八位(8个0和1 或 1 组成的一串二进制) 一个字是16位,等于2个字节 用八位二进制表示的字符叫单字节字符, 用16位二进制数表示的字符叫双字节字符 转载于:
位(bit) 位(bit) 来自英文bit,音译为“比特”,表示二进制位。位是计算机内部数据储存的最小单位,11010100是一个8位二进制数。 一个二进制位只可以表示0和1两种状态; 两个二进制位可以表示00、01、10、11四种状态; 三位二进制数可表示八种状态。 字节(byte) 字节(byte) 字节来自英文Byte,音译为“拜特”,习惯上用大写的“B”表示。 字节是通过网络传输信息(或在
简介: CSDN博客专家,专注Android/Linux系统,分享多mic语音方案、音视频、编解码等技术,与大家一起成长! 优质专栏:Audio工程师进阶系列【原创干货持续更新中……】�� 人生格言: 人生从来没有捷径,只有行动才是治疗恐惧和懒惰的唯一良药.
c语言中bit的用法 发布时间:2016-03-09 计算机英语 编辑:长思 C语言作为一门新型高级编程语言,在计算机软件编程中具有较为广泛的应用和实现。下面小编就跟你们详细介绍下c语言中bit的用法,希望对你们有用。 c语言中bit的用法如下: c语言中bit和sbit的区别 1.bit和sbit都是C51扩展的变量类型。 bit和int char之类的差不多,只不过char=8位, bi
本教程将向您介绍如何存储和使用位值的MySQL BIT数据类型。 MySQL BIT数据类型简介 MySQL提供了允许您存储位值的BIT类型。BIT(m)可以存储多达m位的值,m的范围在1到64之间。 如果省略,默认值为1。所以下列陈述是一样的: column_name BIT(1); 以及, column_name BIT; 要指定一个位值字面值,可使用b'val'或0bval来表示,该val是
概念速览 1. bit :位 一个 二进制 数据0或1,是1bit; 2. byte :字节 存储空间的基本计量单位,如:MySQL中定义 VARCHAR(45) 即是指 45个字节; 1 byte = 8 bit 3. 一个英文字符占一个字节; 1 字母 = 1 byte = 8 bit 4. 一个汉字占2个字节; 1 汉字 = 2 byte = 16 bit byte :一个字节(8位)(-