neighbor has importable Go packages (e.g., builtin/*
, sdk/*
) and an accompanyingcommand-line interface for searching, cloning and executing an arbitrary binaryagainst GitHub projects. Abstractions are in place to make doing the aforementionedeasy and efficient for projects obtained from arbitrary search and retrieval methods(i.e., not limited to GitHub Search, repositories or Git clone).
The motivation for neighbor is to provide users (e.g., developers, researchers, etc.)with a way to search, efficiently clone and evaluate projects without having to"roll their own". Instead users can focus on the task at hand. [TODO] Another motivationfor neighbor is to provide researchers with a standard, reproducible way of obtaining projects.In order to guarantee fair comparisons of approaches, rather than "hand-picked"projects that reinforce claims. This can be accomplished now via zip
ping theproject versions retrieved from a run of neighbor.
neighbor uses v3 of GitHub's REST API.
Installing the project
GOPROXY= go get
Searching and Evaluating
First, you should review the Searching on GitHub documentation.
make build
./bin/neighbor --query="org:neighbor-projects NOT minikube" --plain_retrieve --projects_directory="_projects_directory" --num_projects=2 --clean=false
make build
./bin/neighbor --query="org:neighbor-projects NOT minikube" --command="ls -al" --projects_directory="_projects_directory" --num_projects=2 --clean=false
Note: GitHub requires users to be logged in to search code.Even in public repositories. Refer to the Code search documentation herefor building a query. Code searches are searched elastically and are notguaranteed to return exact matches. Searching code for exact matches is currentlyin beta and only work on very specific repositories, see this section in the documentation
It is critical that you read the above documentation because Code search maynot behave as you would expect. For example,
You can't use the following wildcard characters as part of your search query:
. , : ; / \ ` ' " = * ! ? # $ & + ^ | ~ < > ( ) { } [ ]
The search will simply ignore these symbols. Additionally, I have found thatusing extension:EXTENSION
is more reliable and accurate than filename:FILENAME
make build
./bin/neighbor --search_type="code" --auth_token="abc123" --query="pkg/errors in:file extension:mod path:/ user:mccurdyc" --command="ls -al"
Multi-line commands work, but pipes (i.e., |
) do not. In order to use pipes,you should create a custom binary that handles piping the output from one commandto the next (e.g., "How to pipe several comands in Go?" on StackOverflow)
make build
./bin/neighbor --search_type="code" --auth_token="abc123" --query="pkg/errors in:file extension:mod path:/ user:mccurdyc" --command="ls \
One way to confirm that you obtained the number of projects that you expectedis to run the following:
find _external_projects -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | wc -l
Usage: neighbor (--file=<file> | --query=<string> (--command=<string> | --plain_retrieve)) [--auth_token=<github-access-token>] [--search_type=<repository|code>] [--projects_directory=<string>] [--num_projects=<int>] [--clean=<bool> | --plain_retrieve]
log to standard error as well as files
-auth_token string
Your personal GitHub access token. This is required to access private repositories and increases rate limits.
Delete the projects directory after running the command against each project. (default true)
-command string
The command to execute on each project returned from a search query.
-file string
Absolute filepath to the config file.
Print this help menu.
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
log to standard error instead of files
-num_projects int
The number of _desired_ projects to obtain. (default 10)
Whether projects should just be retrieved and not evaluated.
-projects_directory string
Where the projects should be stored locally and found for evalutation. (default "_external_projects")
-query string
The search query to execute.
-search_type string
The type of search to perform. (default "project")
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-v value
log level for V logs
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
Generate a GitHub Personal Access Tokenneighbor uses token authentication for communicating and authenticating with GitHub.To read more about GitHub's token authentication, visit this site.
You can create a personal access token and use it in place of a password when performing Git operations over HTTPS with Git on the command line or the API.
Authentication is required to both increase the GitHub API limitationsas well as access private content (e.g., repositories, gists, etc.).
command-line argument{
"auth_token": "yourAccessToken1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
neighbor allows you to specify an executable binary to be run ona per-repository basis with each repository as the working directory.
Examples can be found in the examples.
windows7系统修改配置neighbor. 命令行‘netsh -c 'i i’ add neighbor 'interface_name' 00-45-05-65-34-34 其中-c 'i i'指定netsh的netsh interface ipv4命令行上下文,其也相当于是输入以下命令: >cmd >netsh netsh>interface netsh inte
维基百科: 觉得整理的挺好,翻译 最近邻搜索( NNS ) 作为**邻近搜索(proximity search)**的一种形式,是在给定集合中找到与给定点最接近(或最相似)的点的优化问题(optimization problem)。相似度通常用不相似函数表示:对象越不相似,函数值越大。 形式上
命令功能 display lldp neighbor brief命令用来查看邻居设备的概要信息。 命令格式 display lldp neighbor brief 参数说明 无 视图 所有视图 缺省级别 1:监控级 使用指南 应用场景 当需要快速查看与本设备相连的邻居概要信息,如设备有哪些、分别通过哪个接口与本设备相连时,使用该命令。 前置条件 全局的LLDP功能已经使能。 使用实例 # 查看设备
简介(Introduction): ANN(Approximate Nearest Neighbor)是一种用于在大规模数据集中寻找最近邻居的算法。它的目标是在尽可能短的时间内找到与给定查询点最近的数据点,而不一定是确切的最近邻。为了达到这个目标,ANN使用了一些启发式方法,例如剪枝和近似搜索,来加速最近邻搜索的过程。虽然ANN不像暴力线性搜索那样能够100%找到最近点,但它的速度非常快,因此在需
clickhouse中有个比较好用的函数是neighbor函数,用于排序后取上N行或者下N行,在计算同比环比等指标的时候,还是比较好用的 但是我在使用的过程中,踩过两个坑,结果都是和预期的不一样,希望能写出来给大家避避雷 踩坑1: neighbor函数必须配合order by 使用! 踩坑2: neighbor函数本质上只是在每一个数据存储块中进行排序,并没有对所有数据进行排序!! 所以, 你有可