Manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool, extendable via plugins - docs at
asdf is a CLI tool that can manage multiple language runtime versions on a per-project basis. It is like gvm
, nvm
, rbenv
& pyenv
(and more) all in one! Simply install your language's plugin!
config file per project.node-version
, .nvmrc
, .ruby-version
for easy migrationPlease head over to the documentation site for more information!
See in the repo or the Contributing section on the docs site.
core teamasdf
. Some of the core team watch this tag in addition to our helpful communityOnce upon a time there was a programming language
There were many versions of it
So people wrote a version manager for it
To switch between versions for projects
Different, old, new.
Then there came more programming languages
So there came more version managers
And many commands for them
I installed a lot of them
I learnt a lot of commands
Then I said, just one more version manager
Which I will write instead
So, there came another version manager
asdf version manager -
A version manager so extendable
for which anyone can create a plugin
To support their favourite language
No more installing more version managers
Or learning more commands
This was the mail I wrote to a few friends to tell them about the project. Thanks to @roshanvid for suggesting that this go into the readme@HashNuke
简介 asdf是一个开发环境工具,支持多种开发语言版本切换。 GitHub地址 1.安装 git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.8.1 配置环境变量 ~/.bashrc: . $HOME/.asdf/ . $HOME/.asdf/completions
1. .asd寻址 asdf编译加载包,需要寻址asd文件,有两种方式可以配置路径 1)(push "/home/lisp/mypro/" asdf:*central-registry*)(注意路径结尾的“/”。) 可在之前(asdf:clear-source-registry),以清空path 2)在~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/中创
asdf是一个不错的多开发虚拟环境搭建工具(玩Ruby的时候无意发现的)。Ruby常用的虚拟环境工具有RVM和Rbenv。但是现在的开发都会包含python和nodejs之类的多语言开发环境。这个工具虽然不如Docker强大,但是也足够个人开发者在常规的desktop或laptop上使用去管理这些语言。 安装 首先需要curl,git和 aria2 $ git clone https://gith
系统环境说明 系统:Deepin V20 平台:amd64 参考文献 asdf-java asdf document asdf-vm安装 见多版本管理命令行工具asdf-vm安装及使用 asdf-vm安装java 签出asdf-java代码 asdf plugin add java 修改.tsv文件地址 vim ~
神奇的’asdf;‘错误 1. 问题的由来 编译代码时,有时候会根据宏设置进行条件编译,例如u-boot的代码common\board_r.c中: static int run_main_loop(void) { #ifdef CONFIG_SANDBOX sandbox_main_loop_init(); #endif /* main_loop() can return to r
系统环境说明 系统:CentOS 7.9 平台:aarch64 CPU:FT2000+ 参考文献 asdf document asdf-plugins asdf-vm安装 见多版本管理命令行工具asdf-vm安装及使用 编译依赖安装 安装gcc、openssl-devel、sqlite-devel、bzip2-devel、readline-devel sudo yum install gcc op
卧槽 节! 第一题 AC 金字塔 方块的宽和高都是1,单位是m;不存在重叠的方块 输入: n表示金字塔的层数,接下来n行,第 i 行表示第 i 层 第一个数m,表示这行有m个方块的左边缘的起始位置p[j] 单位是cm 默认递增 输出: 剩余的方块个数 方块存在至少要满足一个条件: 在第一层 重心在之前一层的方块上 左边缘和右边缘都在之前一层的方块上 不满足条件的方块可认为直接消失 数据范围: 1
我用asdf来安装erlang,elixir和Postgres。我在用MacBook。 进入运行的步骤时,出现以下错误: 20:44:47.318[错误]GenServer#pid<0.1605.0>正在终止**(dbconnection.connectionerror)tcp连接(localhost:5432):连接被拒绝-:eConnn拒绝(db_connection)lib/db_conne