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NIfTI Image Converter (nii2png) for Python and Matlab

Rejoice OpenCV users, a lightweight neuroimaging .nii to .png converter that actually works.

Now supports both Python3 and Matlab 2017b!


  • Python 3.7 (or Matlab 2017b)

Matlab Usage

  1. Add your script to your path. And run it simply by typing this and hitting enter:
  1. Select your working directory.
  2. Select your NIfTI image.
  3. Rotate your image if you wish:
>> Would you like to rotate the orientation? (y/n)
>> y
>> OK. By 90° 180° or 270°? 
>> 90
  1. Let it run.
  2. Your png files are now in the png folder of your working directory.

Download nii2png for Matlab 2017b

Download Latest Build: Download

Download Stable Release: Download

Python Setup

For those without Python, Pip or the modules, simply open Terminal and type in the following commands and hit enter.

  1. Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  1. Install Python 3
brew install python3
  1. Install pip
sudo easy_install pip
  1. Install plugins
pip install scipy

pip install shutil

pip install nibabel

pip install numpy

pip install imageio

Download nii2png for Python

You can download the latest version of nii2png through pip.

pip install nii2png

Or alternatively, download the binary files here.

Download Latest Build: Download

Download Stable Release: Download


If you didn't install nii2png through pip, you may need to grant nii2png.py permission to execute. On unix systems, Python scripts can be made executable using the following process:

$ chmod +x nii2png.py

Optional: You can also move nii2png.py into your bin directory, and it will be runnable from anywhere.

Python Usage

  1. Let's run the file and start converting images! Please ensure that your output folder ends with a slash to avoid errors.
$ python3 nii2png.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfolder>


$ python3 nii2png.py --input <inputfile> --ouput <outputfolder>

Tip: You can drag and drop the file/folder into the terminal window instead of typing the path

  1. Rotate the images if you wish
$ Would you like to rotate the orientation? (y/n) y
$ OK. By 90° 180° or 270°? 90


with change directory command

$ cd ~/images/
$ python3 nii2png.py -i brain.nii -o png/

with full paths

$ python3 /users/ernie/images/nii2png.py -i /users/ernie/images/brain.nii -o /users/ernie/images/png/

with long options

$ python3 /users/ernie/images/nii2png.py --input /users/ernie/images/brain.nii --output /users/ernie/images/png/
  • Nifti1Image class nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image(dataobj, affine, header=None, extra=None, file_map=None) Bases: nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Pair, nibabel.filebasedimages.SerializableImage Class for single file

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  • 1、NRRD批量转换成NIFTI nii与nii.gz格式的关系 标准NIfTI图像的扩展名是.nii,包含了头文件及图像资料。由于NIfTI格式和Analyze格式的关系,因此NIfTI格式也可使用独立的图像文件[.img]和头文件[.hdr]。单独的.nii格式文件的优势就是可以用标准的压缩软件[如gzip],而且一些分析软件包[比如FSL]可以直接读取和写入压缩的.nii文件[扩展名为.ni

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  • 描述 图片展示组件,类似于 HTML image 标签,但提供了更丰富的功能,使用时需指定样式宽高值。 安装 $ npm install rax-image --save 属性 属性 类型 默认值 必填 描述 支持 source Object: {uri: String} - ✔️ 设置图片的 uri style Object: { width: Number height: Number } -

  • 图片操作. 支持 安装 $ npm install universal-image --save 方法 choose(options) 拍照或从本地相册中选择图片。 参数 属性 类型 默认值 必选 描述 支持 count Number 1 x 最大可选照片数 sizeType String Array ['original', 'compressed'] x original 原图,compres

  • 简介 <image> 用于在界面中显示单个图片。 TIP 在代码中请使用 <image> 标签, <img> 的存在只是因为兼容性原因,在将来的版本中可能删除。 Weex 没有内置的图片库,因为一些开源项目如 SDWebImage 和Picasso已经能很好的解决这个问题, 所以在使用 <image> 之前,请在 native 侧先接入相应的 adapter 或者 handler。参见: Andr

  • Random.image( size?, background?, foreground?, format?, text? ) Random.image() Random.image( size ) Random.image( size, background ) Random.image( size, background, text ) Random.image( size, backgrou

  • 这用于将图像添加到图形中。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是添加图像的简单语法。 xtype: 'draw', type: 'image' 例子 (Example) 以下是一个显示用法的简单示例。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/extjs/6.0

  • 介绍 (Introduction) Image控件允许您在运行时导入JPEG,PNG和GIF文件。 您还可以使用@Embed(source ='filename')在编译时嵌入这些文件中的任何一个。 嵌入的图像会立即加载,因为它们是使用Flex SWF文件编译的。 但是,它们会增加应用程序的大小并减慢应用程序初始化过程。 嵌入式映像还要求您在映像文件发生更改时重新编译应用程序。 您可以从运行SWF