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Issue in getImageWritersByFormatName for Tiff. Getting image writer


I am trying to convert PDF to tif images. I use following code to get the
image writers by format.

Iterator<ImageWriter> writers = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("TIFF");

        if (writers == null || !writers.hasNext()) {
            throw new ImageWritingException();

This works fine when I run the application standalone in Eclipse. But when I
deploy the application to tomcat server in linux, writers==null is false
but !writers.hasNext is true resulting to throw Exception.

I use maven to build the project to war.

I have following dependencies in the pom file.





What can be the difference between two environments? How can I fix this issue?


Tiff support is provided by the Java Advanced Imaging plugin jai_core.jar.

In order to work correctly, the jar file needs to be added to the JVM’s ext
directory, otherwise it won’t register properly



