Liquid Prompt gives you a nicely displayed prompt with useful informationwhen you need it. It shows you what you need when you need it.You will notice what changes when it changes, saving time and frustration.You can even use it with your favorite shell – Bash or zsh.
See the Liquidprompt documentation fordetails on installing and configuring Liquidprompt.
Liquid Prompt is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public Licenseversion 3.
To comply with the AGPL clauses, anybody offering Liquid Prompt over the networkis required to also offer access to the source code of it and allow further useand modifications. As Liquid Prompt is implemented purely in shell script,anybody using it over SSH or equivalent terminal connection automatically alsohas access to the source code, so it is easy to comply with the license.
to avoid that).xterm-256
or ttf-ancient-fonts
package.Current Maintainer: Rycieos
And many contributors!