stargaze - gaze at repos you've starred
stargaze fetch <github-user> fetch (or refetch) your starred repos
stargaze random [<n>] fetch <n> random starred repos [default: 1].
This is a simple command line script to fetch random repos that you've starredon GitHub. It's useful as inspiration for finding hack ideas, passing thetime, and rediscovering nifty projects I'd been meaning to revisit.
$ stargaze random
Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
$ stargaze random
�� A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.
It's just a simple bash script. Download stargaze
and put it on your PATH.
Alternatively, there's a Homebrew formula if you're on macOS:
brew install jez/formulae/stargaze
If you want to take it up a notch, you can even add an alias like this in yourbashrc/zshrc:
alias bored='stargaze random'
This script requires that jq
and shuf
or gshuf
is on your PATH. If it'snot check the installation instructions for your system:
brew install coreutils
(to get shuf
on OS X)We're using the GitHub API, which means you can run into rate limiting issues.For this reason, requests to the GitHub API are cached, and only read from thecache.
First: initialize the cache:
stargaze fetch GITHUB_USER
This dumps a file to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/stargaze/starred-repos.json
Whenever you feel like updating the cache (i.e., you've starred a bunch of newrepos), just re-run stargaze fetch GITHUB_USER
Second: ask for a random repo:
stargaze random
Alternatively, you can ask for more than one at a time:
stargaze random 10