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开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
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Shell Scripting Tutorial

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Shell Scripting for Amazon Web Services to Manage it's resources

A complete begineers guide to learn shell scripting from scratch which includes Videos, Practice scenarios and project idea. I will create one file for one topic with code.

Before jumping into the Shell scripting below are commands you have to practice for better understanding and familiar with Linux command line interface.

If you do not learn below commands also fine but i personally recommend you to learn commands first.

103 Linux Commands Video Tutorial

alias and unalias, arch, arp, at, awk, bc, blkid, cal, cat, cd, chage, chattr, chgrp, chmod, chown, cp, cpio, crontab, curl, cut, date, dd, df, diff, dig, dnf, du, expr, fdisk, file, find, firewall-cmd, free, ftp, grep, head, history, hostname, id, ifconfig, iostat, ip, kill, last, lessandmore, ln, locate, lpstatandlpadmin, ls, lsof, lspci, mail, man, mdadm, mkdirandrmdir, mkisofs, mount, mutt, mv, nano, netstat, nice, renice, nslookup, passwd, pam_tally2, paste, ping, perloneliner, pkill, ps, pwd, reboot, poweroff, rm, rpm, rsync, scp, screen, sed, sort, ss, ssh, sysctl, tail, tar, tcpdump, top, touch, tr, traceroute, umask, uname, uniq, uptime, useradd, vi, vmstat, w, who, watch, wc, wget, ypcat, yppasswd, yum, zip, sar

After that start learning shell scripting using below topics

Resource to Download

Write Your Own Method of Script for below Scenario

  • Scenario: Everyday from Monday to Friday one directory will be created under /fullbackup/dailybackup/YYYY-MM-DD and it will move backup to its parent directory everyday midnight /fullbackup/archive/, However Saturday, Sunday and Monday directories will move to /fullbackup/archive path every monday evening.

  • Directory Names Example: 2018-12-24 2018-12-25 2018-12-26 2018-12-27 2018-12-28

  • Question: I would like to delete directories older than two days from /fullbackup/archive path. How do you do it using any scripting methods.

  • Problem Statement: I was trying to use find /path/ -type d -mtime +2 -print0 | xargs -r0 rm --. This command does not work as expected due to directory modified date for SAT, SUN and MON moved directories same for all as Monday date.

  • How Do you solve it.?? Write Shell Script to accomplish this task. Should run through crontab and clear directories older than two days.

  • 转载自: UNIX & Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial If/Else In order for a script to be very useful, you will need to be able to test the conditions of variables. Most

  • cal cal 7 2006 date [root@usdalwm9 ~]# date '+DATE:%m-%y%nTIME:%H:%M:%S' DATE:11-13 TIME:04:49:30 [root@usdalwm9 ~]# a=3.5 [root@usdalwm9 ~]# a=11.4 [root@usdalwm9 ~]# expr $a / $b|bc expr: non-numeri

  • There are two types of bash for loops available. One using the “in” keyword with list of values, another using the C programming like syntax.       This article is part of our on-going bash tutorial s

  • 1.变量定义 变量定义的=前后不能有空格 variable=value name=sarath age=28 2.访问变量 使用$访问变量 echo $variable echo $name echo $age 3.设置变量来自用户输入 使用read函数 #!/bin/bash echo "what is your name?" read name echo "Hello $name!. Welc

  • 总结 1 使用js进行获取数据的方法 2 js方式和原生mongo shell的交互方式的区别写法 3 需要将所有数据打印出来使用到的循环示例 cursor = db.collection.find(); while ( cursor.hasNext() ) { printjson( ); } 4 介绍怎么外部执行js文件 5 介绍怎么在mongo shell中加

  • 摘要: Talk directly to your system for a faster workflow with automation capabilityLinux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible is your essential Linux guide. With detailed instruction and abundant exam

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  • MyBatis 的 Beetl 脚本语言扩展,支持使用 Beetl 作为 mapper 的动态脚本语言,用以编写动态 SQL。

  •   WebPagetest具有脚本功能,可自动执行多步测试(例如,登录网站或发送电子邮件)。脚本包含在文件中,其中单个文件构成浏览器会话(浏览器将在脚本完成后关闭)。文件是纯文本文件,可以由任何文本编辑器编辑。 你可以通过从“文件”菜单中选择“Run Script”来测试桌面版本中的脚本。   脚本文件的每一行包含一个命令和任何必要的参数,并且以制表符分隔(即命令之后是一个制表符,然后是第一个参数

  • This article contains detailed description of scripting/automation functionality. You may want to see simplified guide to the functionality instead. In addition to graphical interface, WinSCP offers s

  • �� Introduction to Bash Scripting This is an open-source introduction to Bash scripting guide/ebook that will help you learn the basics of Bash scripting and start writing awesome Bash scripts that wi

  • Unity's Animation System allows you to create beautifully animated skinned characters. The Animation System supports animation blending, mixing, additive animations, walk cycle time synchronization, a