
A build script for qBittorent nox static.
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 丌官昊天
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


matrix multi build and releaseDebian Based CI


The qbittorrent-nox-static project is a bash build script that compiles a static qbittorrent-nox binary using the latest available dependencies from their source. These statically linked binaries can run on any matching CPU architecture and are not OS specific. This means you can run a x86_64 Alpine edge build on any Linux based OS of like CentOS | Fedora | OpenSuse | Debian Stretch | Ubuntu Xenial and more.


�� Visit the documentation for in depth information on using this project.


�� These static builds can be used on WSL2 and accessed via localhost:8080 using the download instructions below

Install the latest release

�� The latest release page for the most current build

Or uses these commands for your arch:


mkdir -p ~/bin && source ~/.profile
wget -qO ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox https://github.com/userdocs/qbittorrent-nox-static/releases/latest/download/x86_64-qbittorrent-nox
chmod 700 ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox

armhf (armv6) - dropped in future releases

mkdir -p ~/bin && source ~/.profile
wget -qO ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox https://github.com/userdocs/qbittorrent-nox-static/releases/latest/download/armhf-qbittorrent-nox
chmod 700 ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox


mkdir -p ~/bin && source ~/.profile
wget -qO ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox https://github.com/userdocs/qbittorrent-nox-static/releases/latest/download/armv7-qbittorrent-nox
chmod 700 ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox


mkdir -p ~/bin && source ~/.profile
wget -qO ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox https://github.com/userdocs/qbittorrent-nox-static/releases/latest/download/aarch64-qbittorrent-nox
chmod 700 ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox

ICU builds

Each build has two versions due to how qtbase builds when it detects ICU .

�� The iconv / non ICU build can be considered the default build.

ICU replaces iconv if detected when qtbase is built and doubles the static build size due to the ICU libraries being linked into the final static binary.

�� When not using ICU everything is built against iconv

�� ICU builds have nothing to do with performance.

The reason I do two builds is that ICU is an automated build flag preference for QT (and boost when I was building that) and I considered that it may one day be a default or only option and ICU seems to be the preferred choice for this kind of library. So it's really not a critical option but more of a choice.

�� ICU is a preferred build path automatically chosen by the programs built if it is present on the system.

You can pick either version you want, if it works then just enjoy it. The only difference you may experience is how the WebUi displays Unicode characters.

Libtorrent v2 builds

�� Libtorrent v1.2 is currently the main branch supported by qBittorrent

These are released as pre releases until qBittorrent officially adopts libtorrent v2 as the default version. Once v2 is the default I will switch them around on future releases.

You can view the pre releases and tags here.

�� https://github.com/userdocs/qbittorrent-nox-static/releases

Cmake builds

Cmake builds where libtorrent and qbittorrent are compiled using cmake and ninja are available

�� Cmake builds do not get stripped (debug symbols). Use cmake builds for stacktrace / debugging features built into qbittorrent.

Libtorrent v2 + QT6 + Qbittorrent using cmake

�� The script is ready to build using cmake and is QT6 ready. As soon as qbittorrrent has official support this script can build it.

Build table - Dependencies - arch - OS - build tools

Deps x86_64 aarch64 armv7 Debian based Alpine make cmake b2 qmake
  • 在home下 安装qbittorrent-nox3.3.11 适用于debian8.8 amd64   Feralhosting可用。 最简单安装方法: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wyjok/FH/master/qb11.sh bash qb11.sh 输入y同意免责条款 ctrl+c退出 后台运行: tips:如果使用共享ip服务器8080可能

  • 背景 近期将笔记本系统从万年的Windows换成了Ubuntu,想着Linux环境下进行C/C++开发能方便点。因为之前已经玩了两年PT下载,对qBittorrent的使用是刚需。但是,装好qBittorrent并在设置中配置好Web UI后,根据相应端口访问管理界面发现无法正常打开,而是弹出相应html文件的下载框,起初我以为是Edge浏览器的问题,但尝试换到Chrome也于事无补(其实两者都是

  •   https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khensolomon/leyts/master/yts.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solenskiner/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/academictorrents.py https://raw.githubusercontent.

  • qBittorrent是一个新的轻量级BitTorrent客户端,可运行于Linux及其他可能系统,它简单易用,漂亮的外观,功能强大。现在它可以被视为一个良好的替代其他BitTorrent软件的客户端。 功能和特点 简单图形用户界面 支持UPnP/NAT-PMP端口转发 支持加密(兼容Azureus) 多个文件同步下载/上传 从RSS下载 综合搜索引擎 支持DHT网络 支持uTorrent对等交换

  • NOX

    NOX 是一个 SDN 软件定义网络生态系统。也是用来构建网络控制应用的平台。NOX 是首个 OpenFlow 控制器,Nicira 在 2008 年时捐献给开源社区。NOX 目前有一个 Python 的变种 —— POX。 对开发者来说 NOX 提供了: 提供 C++ OpenFlow 1.0 API 提供快速、异步 IO 面向最新的 Linux 发行版 (particularly Ubuntu

  • 使用 NOX 首先确定没有其他控制器在运行(占据 6633 端口) sudo killall controller 启动 Mininet sudo mn --topo single,3 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote 然后启动 NOX,默认路径为 ~/noxcore/build/src,重新打开一个 ssh 终端执行 ./nox_core -v

  • NOX是第一个SDN控制器,由Nicira开发,并于2008年开源发布。NOX在2010年以前得到广泛应用,不过由于其基于C++开发,开发成本较高,逐渐在控制器竞争中没落。所以后来其兄弟版本POX面世。POX是完全基于Python的,适合SDN初学者。但POX也有其架构和性能的缺陷,逐渐也被新兴的控制器所取代。 目前,NOX/POX社区已不再活跃,其官网http://www.noxrepo.org

  • 7.18 一面 腾讯会议面试 没手撕代码 没问项目 一面比较基础 自我介绍 计算机网络 分层以及各层协议、TCP UDP区别 TCP三次握手、为何不是4次或2次 流量控制、网页输入url的过程 操作系统 进程和线程区别、进程开销为何比线程大 内核级线程与用户级线程区别 Linux 查看进程、查看日志后十行 数据库 关键字:分组 排序 联表 Java 数组和链表的区别、collections.sor

  • 我需要将nox emulator设置为默认模拟器,但我需要设置第一个adb连接,但我不知道在哪里可以找到nox app player的目录。



