Fan control for ASUS devices running Linux.
In default, some ASUS devices running Linux control their system fans inappropriately. Typical symptoms include:
Asus-fan-control solves the problems above and even more. Tested devices with links to their first testers:
ASUS VivoBook | ASUS ZenBook | ASUS ROG | Others |
N580VD | UX310UA | G752VL | B9440UA |
S530UA | UX360UAK | GL502VSK | FX505GM |
X507UF | UX410UA | GL553VD | FX553VD |
X510UA | UX410UQ | GL553VE | |
X512FA | UX430UA | GL702VSK | |
X542UF | UX430UN |
Your device is not in the table yet? Take a look at file and you can easily add it yourself.
Asus-fan-control supports GitPack. Global installation/update:
sudo gitpack install
If your system has APT, GitPack will install acpi_call automatically.
We have an AUR package available. Global installation/update:
mkdir -p /tmp/asus-fan-control/ && cd /tmp/asus-fan-control/ &&
git clone . &&
sudo makepkg -si
For AUR installations, enable running asus-fan-control automatically:
sudo systemctl enable afc
Asus-fan-control does not run in the background (i.e., it is not a daemon process). It is executed automatically whenever necessary (e.g., on OS boots) to keep the effect of a permanent change. It is also possible to invoke it manually as shown below:
sudo asus-fan-control
It uses custom temperatures if previously set, otherwise the default temperatures are used.
The fan speed policy is usually defined by 8 increasing numbers representing temperature boundaries in degrees Celsius between individual fan speed levels. E.g., UX430UA's default temperatures are 55 60 62 65 68 72 76 80
as shown:
Speed level | Temperature (C°) |
0 (off) | 54 and less |
1 | 55 to 59 |
2 | 60 to 61 |
3 | 62 to 64 |
4 | 65 to 67 |
5 | 68 to 71 |
6 | 72 to 75 |
7 | 76 to 79 |
8 (max) | 80 and more |
To use your custom temperatures, use the set-temps
command. For example:
sudo asus-fan-control set-temps 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Did you know that asus-fan-control has a graphical user interface extension? Visit afc-gui for more details.
NVIDIA GPUs have fan speed profiles that control the fan to keep the noise to a minimum. In high-performance computing applications when the system is in a datacenter, it is often preferable to run th
问题:sensors已经安装完毕可以检测出主板的温度 # sensors coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Core 0: +37°C (high = +100°C) coretemp-isa-0001 Adapter: ISA adapter Core 1: +38°C (high = +100°C) 现在需要调节风扇的速度 # pwmconfig
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开机出现cpu for error的字母,按F1才可一继续,是怎么回事? 开机后,屏幕出现cpu for error的字样,按下F1才可以继续系统,是怎么回事?怎么解决?? 答案 大致可能有两种情况. 一是你风扇的接线没有插到原来的那个 cpu 风扇的电源接口; 或者就是这个风扇没有提高转速信号. BIos检测到CPU风扇转数达不到BIos设置的标准,也有可能报错,将CPU风扇转速设置到合适的值即
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楼主这几天写的一个Mac下的app,用于为你的Intel Mac调节风扇转速,从而使之远离发热,保持凉爽。 * 后台运行,并可以将CPU温度信息显示在菜单栏中。 * 操作非常简便,只须简单地拖动仪表盘中的指针来调节风扇转速。 * 可以简单地在菜单栏中控制风扇转速。 * 可以选择以摄氏度(℃) 或华氏度(℉)为单位来查看温度。 * 开机启动,无须再操心发热问题。 为了不损坏你的机器,Oh My Fa
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