From the command line get ping/download/upload stats:
______________| speedtest : ping, download and upload speeds.
Commandline using resources.
This standalone script is a wrapper.
Usage: speedtest [--log|--simple|--verbose|--list|--fav|--version]
Takes about a minute for results to appear.
For logfile, the variable $logf can be modified.
Examples: $ speedtest --simple
Ping: 22.602 ms
Download: 0.62 Mbit/s
Upload: 0.25 Mbit/s
$ speedtest # No args for single line timestamped.
2015-03-13, 19:25, 22.602, 0.62, 0.25
$ speedtest --log # Will cat logfile with latest result.
Dependencies: curl (Used to download the following Python script:) (
Get just the download speed via from the command line,suitable for logs. The infrastructure is provided by Netflixto make sure ISPs are not throttling their streaming movies.
______________| fasttest : download speed in Mbps, flag to log results.
Uses Netflix's resources,
checking via both IPv4 and IPv6.
This standalone script is a wrapper.
Usage: fasttest [--log|--verbose]
Takes about a minute for results to appear.
For logfile, directory variable $logdir should be modified.
Examples: $ fasttest # No args for single line timestamped.
2017-03-06, 19:25, None, 0.62, None
$ fasttest --log # Will cat logfile with latest result.
$ fasttest --log tmp.log # else default: fasttest.log
Dependencies: curl (Used to download the following Python script:) (
For execution time, speedtest runs about 60% faster than fasttest.In terms of information, speedtest provides more than fasttest,and is more accurate in measuring download speed.The code base for speedtest is more mature and receives moresupport and scrutiny, compared to that of fasttest.
Given our preferred choice: speedtest -- here is a way to directlyaccess its service without cloning our repository:
$ echo "$(curl -skLO && chmod +x && ./"
2015-03-13, 19:25, 22.602, 0.62, 0.25
The curl command retrieves the most current version of speedtest,renamed for this exercise as, then we execute it todisplay: date, local time, ping in milliseconds, followed bydownload and upload speeds in Mbps (Megabits per second).
To fine-tune the logging functions, please fork our repository.
Many thanks to the developers upstream: @sivel and @sanderjo --we rely on their latest updates to the Python source code.
Shortcut to this project: update : 2017-03-09
很多时候我们需要测试Linux服务器的上行和下行宽带。在可用于测试宽带速度的网站中,Speedtest.net也许是使用最广泛的应用“之一”。 Speedtest.net提供了一个命令行版本——speedtest-cli。下面将向你演示如何在Linux的命令行中使用speedtest-cli来测试宽带连接速度。 一、安装speedtest-cli speedtest-cli是一个
Linux使用 speedtest 测网速 1、脚本地址 2、上脚本,自己看,so easy [root@glusterfs-server01 ~]# yum -y install git ………… 此处省略 git 安装过程中的输出 ………… [root@glusterfs-server01 shy]# mkdir
很多时候我们需要测试Linux服务器的上行和下行宽带。在可用于测试宽带速度的网站中,Speedtest.net也许是使用最广泛的应用“之一”。 Speedtest.net提供了一个命令行版本——speedtest-cli。下面将向你演示如何在Linux的命令行中使用speedtest-cli来测试宽带连接速度。 一、安装speedtest-cli speedtest-cli是一个用Python编写
linux环境下,如何使用speedtest测速。其实superbench一键包也是带这个网络带宽测速的,今天单独来说说speedtest测速. Speedtest测试网络上传/下载速度还是挺不错的,windows下非常方便。Linux下也可以很方便的使用命令行speedtest来测试。speedtest是一个用Python编写的轻量级Linux命令行工具,在Python2.4至3.4版本下均可运
方式一(需要python环境) speedtest-cli是用Python编写的轻量级Linux命令行工具 $ wget $ chmod +rx 1.调用测试网速 $ ./ 配置全局调用 $ mv sp
使用Linux终端测试网速 命令:speedtest-cli ~$ speedtest-cli Retrieving configuration... Testing from China Telecom Shanxi(SN) ( Retrieving server list... Selecting bes
安装speedtest-cli yum install python-pip –y pip install speedtest-cli 执行网络测速 speedtest #执行结果 Retrieving configuration... Testing from Tencent cloud computing ( Retrievin
在使用speedtest-cli进行测试的时候,有些时候speedtest识别错误.原本是国内的服务器反而选择了香港或者是美国等地区的节点,所以测试结果可能就不准确.所以我们可以通过以下的方法获取speedtest服务器的地区进行测试. 方法1 打开下面的网站,然后ctrl+f选择查找CN,或者China,再或者国内省市的名字.如Beijing,Shanghai等等. http://www.spe
安装speedtest-cli: wget -O speedtest-cli chmod +x speedtest-cli 开始测试: ./speedtest-cli [root@localhost ~]# ./speedtest-cli Retri 当发现上网速度变慢时,人们通常会先首先测试自己的电脑到网络服务提供商(通常被称为“最后一公里”)的网络连接速度。在可用于测试宽带速度的网站中,www.speedtest.net也许是使用最广泛的。 Speedtest.net的工作原理并不复杂:它在你的浏览器中加载JavaScript代码并自动检测离你最近的Speed
使用 测试互联网带宽的命令行界面 版本 speedtest-cli 适用于 Python 2.4-3.7 安装 pip/easy_install pip install speedtest-cli 或者 easy_install speedtest-cli GitHub pip install git+
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