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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 应用工具、 下载工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 云育
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

irs: The Ironic Repositioning System

A music scraper that understands your metadata needs.

irs is a command-line application that downloads audio and metadata in orderto package an mp3 with both. Extensible, the user can download individualsongs, entire albums, or playlists from Spotify.

Table of Contents


~ $ irs -h

Usage: irs [--help] [--version] [--install]
           [-s <song> -a <artist>]
           [-A <album> -a <artist>]
           [-p <playlist> -a <username>]

    -h, --help                  Show this help message and exit
    -v, --version               Show the program version and exit
    -i, --install               Download binaries to config location
    -c, --config                Show config file location
    -a, --artist <artist>       Specify artist name for downloading
    -s, --song <song>           Specify song name to download
    -A, --album <album>         Specify the album name to download
    -p, --playlist <playlist>   Specify the playlist name to download
    -u, --url <url>             Specify the youtube url to download from (for single songs only)
    -g, --give-url              Specify the youtube url sources while downloading (for albums or playlists only only)

    $ irs --song "Bohemian Rhapsody" --artist "Queen"
    # => downloads the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by "Queen"
    $ irs --album "Demon Days" --artist "Gorillaz"
    # => downloads the album "Demon Days" by "Gorillaz"
    $ irs --playlist "a different drummer" --artist "prakkillian"
    # => downloads the playlist "a different drummer" by the user prakkillian





Just download the latest release for your platformhere.

Note that the binaries right now have only been tested on WSL. They should run on most linux distros, and OS X, but if they don't please make an issue above.

From Source

If you're one of those cool people who compiles from source

  1. Install crystal-lang(https://crystal-lang.org/install/)
  2. Clone it (git clone https://github.com/cooperhammond/irs)
  3. CD it (cd irs)
  4. Build it (shards build)


  1. Create a .yaml config file somewhere on your system (usually ~/.irs/)
  2. Copy the following into it
    binary_directory: ~/.irs/bin
    music_directory: ~/Music
    filename_pattern: "{track_number} - {title}"
    directory_pattern: "{artist}/{album}"
        enabled: true
        retain_playlist_order: true
        unify_into_album: false
  3. Set the environment variable IRS_CONFIG_LOCATION pointing to that file
  4. Go to https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/
  5. Log in or create an account
  7. Enter all necessary info, true or false, continue
  8. Find your client key and client secret
  9. Copy each respectively into the X's in your config file
  10. Run irs --install and answer the prompts!

You should be good to go! Run the file from your command line to get more help onusage or keep reading!


You may have noticed that there's a config file with more than a few options.Here's what they do:

binary_directory: ~/.irs/bin
music_directory: ~/Music
filename_pattern: "{track_number} - {title}"
directory_pattern: "{artist}/{album}"
    enabled: true
    retain_playlist_order: true
    unify_into_album: false
  • binary_directory: a path specifying where the downloaded binaries shouldbe placed
  • music_directory: a path specifying where downloaded mp3s should be placed.
  • filename_pattern: a pattern for the output filename of the mp3
  • directory_pattern: a pattern for the folder structure your mp3s are saved in
  • client_key: a client key from your spotify API application
  • client_secret: a client secret key from your spotify API application
  • single_folder_playlist/enabled: if set to true, all mp3s from a downloadedplaylist will be placed in the same folder.
  • single_folder_playlist/retain_playlist_order: if set to true, the tracknumbers of the mp3s of the playlist will be overwritten to correspond totheir place in the playlist
  • single_folder_playlist/unify_into_album: if set to true, will overwritethe album name and album image of the mp3 with the title of your playlistand the image for your playlist respectively

In a pattern following keywords will be replaced:

Keyword Replacement Example
{artist} Artist Name Queen
{title} Track Title Bohemian Rhapsody
{album} Album Name Stone Cold Classics
{track_number} Track Number 9
{total_tracks} Total Tracks in Album 14
{disc_number} Disc Number 1
{day} Release Day 01
{month} Release Month 01
{year} Release Year 2006
{id} Spotify ID 6l8GvAyoUZwWDgF1e4822w

Beware OS-restrictions when naming your mp3s.

Pattern Examples:

music_directory: ~/Music
filename_pattern: "{track_number} - {title}"
directory_pattern: "{artist}/{album}"

Outputs: ~/Music/Queen/Stone Cold Classics/9 - Bohemian Rhapsody.mp3

music_directory: ~/Music
filename_pattern: "{artist} - {title}"
directory_pattern: ""

Outputs: ~/Music/Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody.mp3

music_directory: ~/Music
filename_pattern: "{track_number} of {total_tracks} - {title}"
directory_pattern: "{year}/{artist}/{album}"

Outputs: ~/Music/2006/Queen/Stone Cold Classics/9 of 14 - Bohemian Rhapsody.mp3

music_directory: ~/Music
filename_pattern: "{track_number}. {title}"
directory_pattern: "irs/{artist} - {album}"

Outputs: ~/Music/irs/Queen - Stone Cold Classics/9. Bohemian Rhapsody.mp3

How it works

At it's core irs downloads individual songs. It does this by interfacingwith the Spotify API, grabbing metadata, and then searching Youtube for a videocontaining the song's audio. It will download the video usingyoutube-dl, extract the audio usingffmpeg, and then pack the audio and metadata togetherinto an MP3.

From the core, it has been extended to download the index of albums andplaylists through the spotify API, and then iteratively use the method abovefor downloading each song.

It used to be in python, but

  1. I wasn't a fan of python's limited ability to distribute standalone binaries
  2. It was a charlie foxtrot of code that I made when I was little and I wantedto refine it
  3. crystal-lang made some promises and I was interested in seeing how well itdid (verdict: if you're building high-level tools you want to run quicklyand distribute, it's perfect)


Any and all contributions are welcome. If you think of a cool feature, send aPR or shoot me an email. If you think somethingcould be implemented better, please shoot me an email. If you like what I'mdoing here, pretty please shoot me an email.

  1. Fork it (https://github.com/your-github-user/irs/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
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  • 安全要求 系统使用所有第三方组件必须为最新无已知公开漏洞版本。 上架应用必须配置并使用SSL协议, 并且代码和提供的服务中也都使用https协议。 上架应用必须使用浙里办账号体系,使用提供的浙里办免登接口获取用户身份信息,禁止自建登陆体系。 上架应用所有接口都需要结合有效session值进行用户身份鉴定,避免出现未授权访问及其他权限溢出的情况。 如有存储用户文件的场景, 为保证数据安全及稳定性,

  • autodl-irssi autodl-irssi is a plugin for irssi that monitors IRC announce channels and downloads torrent files based on user-defined filters. Getting Started Read the docs. Support See SUPPORT.md. Ap

  • Irssi 是一个 UNIX 命令行下的 IRC 客户端。它也可以通过插件支持 SILC 和 ICB 协议。



