Firefox and Chrome Extension which creates an download button for instagram images and videos on the right of thebookmark icon.
Install on Firefoxand on Chrome.
A Download Button appearers while you hover over the image you want to download.
The same happens if you hover over the profile picture.
Now it is possible to download all images and videos of one profile at once. The Button apperes right next tothe follow
button. The feature includes scrolling down until all images are loaded, so it may take a while. It is alsopossible that instagram will ban you temporarily (just a few minutes) if you try to download like 1000 pictures.
If you click on the download all
button the page will begin scrolling down to load the new pictures until everypicture of the profile got loaded once. After that a ZIP file with all the images in it will be created.
This may take a while depending on your internet connection and the amount of pictures you plan to download.
From version 1.5+ it is possible to download Instagram Stories. The extension supports both image and video downloads.
The main class is (obviously) the index.ts
. Here the different downloaders subscribe to the URLChangeEmitter
whichin turn notifies the different downloaders when they should be added to the page.
The collection of the image links is handled in the downloaders. The retrieved image links get send to the backgroundscript where the download happens.
The build script depends on linux, especially on the zip util which should be included in most linux distros. Buildingin Windows is only partially supported.
To Execute the build script run npm install
and after the installation is complete execute webpack
. There aredifferent flags which change the build.
The two flags can be combined if needed webpack --mode=production --watch