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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 应用工具、 下载工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 董桐
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


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A minimalistic UI to conveniently upload and download files from AWS S3

S3Uploader's UI is based on the beautiful Argon Dashboard Theme by CreativeTim.

This app is not endorsed by Amazon


  • Angular based desktop client for uploading/downloading file(s) from AWS S3
  • Track multiple upload/download progress through one consistent UI.
  • Tree-like folder browser so you can find the files you want faster
  • Support for .aws credential file and multiple accounts
  • Drag-and-drop upload with support for single file, multiple files and folder upload
  • Options to rename files during upload

Built On

This app is built with many amazing framework, including:


Getting Started

Head over to the Releases page and download the latest version to get started!


Download the latest setup.exe and follow the installation instruction.


You can download either the .zip or .dmg to use S3Uploader.

If you downloaded the .zip:

  1. Extract the content of the .zip file.
  2. You can put the extracted file in your /Applications folder for it to show up in Launchpad.

If you downloaded the .dmg:

  1. Open the .dmg file.
  2. After clicking "Agree", drag the S3Uploader icon into the Applications folder icon on screen.
  3. S3Uploader should now be available in Launchpad.
  4. If there's a separate S3Uploader icon appears on your Desktop, you can remove that by dragging it to the Trashcan.


You can build this app from source with the following configurations

  • Global tools needed, they can be installed via npm or yarn: @angular/cli electron-builder

Output files are located in dist-electron


MIT (c) 2018 Ming-Hung (Michael) Lu

If you like the app, maybe consider Buy me a tea, a gazillion ton of black tea went into this app ��

  • var OSSFileLoad = function(data){ //-----------开始------------// var ossContentId = data.ossContentId;//上传组件渲染区域id var fileSuffix = data.fileSuffix;//上传文件类型,如图片:"jpg,png,gif,bmp" var ossPath = data.oss

  • 无需使用生产服务器即可直接上传到s3(Direct upload to s3 without the use of a production server) 我们正在创建一个媒体驱动的网站,要求我们的用户通过互联网提交非常大的广播质量的视频文件。 我们希望通过消除使用我们的生产服务器(网站所在地)以及仅在用户和s3帐户之间建立连接来减少带宽问题。 为了让事情变得更有趣,我们的托管服务只允许通过PH

  • aws s3 全名是 Simple Storage Service,是对象存储服务(oss),对象存储服务作为网盘的优点这里就不细说了,其提供的统一接口sdk几乎涵盖了所有语言。除了通用性以外,其以上传下载为核心的接口几乎可以满足所有的业务需求。本人在几年的工作中对接过不同sdk的接口,可以说aws s3的接口,只有你想不到,没有他做不到,虽然前提是你能从他那天书一样的接口文档中找到你想要的内容。

  • 上代码: #路由 route.POST("/editSpace", controller.EditspaceHandler) func EditspaceHandler(c *gin.Context) { portrait, err := c.FormFile("portrait") // 获取文件 if err != nil { ResponseErrorWithMsg(c, Co

  • S3

     Simple Storage Service (S3) 使用 Amazon S3 云服务轻松实现存储 S3 提供一个 RESTful API 以编程方式实现与该服务的交互。 理论上,S3 是一个全球存储区域网络 (SAN),它表现为一个超大的硬盘,您可以在其中存储和检索数字资产。但是,从技术上讲,Amazon 的架构有一些不同。您通过 S3 存储和检索的资产被称为 对象 。对象存储在 存储段(b

  • using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Encryption; using Amazon.S3.Model; using Amazon.S3.Transfer; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using Syste

  • * 加载s3客户端 * @return string*/ functionAWS_S3Client(){$ACCESS_KEY_ID = ‘你的s3 ID‘;$SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = ‘你的s3 秘钥‘;$credentials = new Aws\Credentials\Credentials($ACCESS_KEY_ID, $SECRET_ACCESS_KEY);return

  • 本文属于机器翻译版本。若本译文内容与英语原文存在差异,则一律以英文原文为准。 使用适用于 PHP 的 AWS 开发工具包版本 3 使用 Amazon S3 分段上传 单独的 PutObject 操作可上传的对象大小上限为 5 GB。但使用分段上传方法(例如,CreateMultipartUpload、UploadPart、CompleteMultipartUpload、AbortMultipart

  • .Net Core 访问AWS S3 最近工作中用到了AWS S3 存储文件,而且是.Net Core项目,第一次用.Net Core访问S3所以折腾一会。 publish到本地之后还是无法访问,只有在Debug是可行。后续解决之后再进行更新,如果有大神知道如何解救可以帮忙知道一下。 参考文档 NuGut包 访问S3 需要安装几个AWS的NuGet包。不要安装多余的.NET Framework A



