I am no longer actively developing Tootbot, and no bug fixes or new features will be implemented. There a fork developed by Mark Burgunder here, with fixes to Gfycat integration and and other changes.
This is a Python bot that looks up posts from specified subreddits and automatically posts them on Twitter and/or Mastodon. It is based on reddit-twitter-bot. Tootbot is now used by a wide variety of social media accounts.
Tootbot uses the tweepy, PRAW, py-gfycat, imgurpython, Pillow, and Mastodon.py libraries. The Heroku version also uses the redis-py library.
The developers of Tootbot hold no liability for what you do with this script or what happens to you by using this script. Abusing this script can get you banned from Twitter and/or Mastodon, so make sure to read up on proper usage of the API for each site.
For instructions on setting up and using Tootbot, please visit the wiki.