
授权协议 BSD-2-Clause License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 姚俊贤
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Weeb a Word v1.1 stable (20210328)

Weeb a Word, created by redneonglow, is a Fediverse phrase bot which generates random otaku culture inspired phrases using an external dictionary file. It is inspired by the popular Loli a Word and Free Word Extremist bots, and has a mode to emulate Loli a Word.

Example phrases using the default dictionary from bsd-games-2.17 in Slackware Linux:

  • negatively oppai
  • shota pharmacopoeia
  • loli reconstructing
  • futa objection
  • subbed trip
  • harasses shota
  • hentai cataloged
  • joys pantsu
  • dubbed believable
  • protecc clarified

Example phrases using the Slackware settings above, but with Loli a Word emulation mode enabled:

  • awaken loli
  • vagary loli
  • intermingled loli
  • apportion loli
  • throttle loli
  • cookies loli
  • quit loli
  • deception loli
  • enders loli
  • hazes loli

Example phrases using the default dictionary from miscfiles-1.5-r3 in Gentoo Linux:

  • weeaboo coinhabitant
  • sidewalk cosplay
  • otaku unfermenting
  • anime trickishly
  • loli pseudococcus
  • protecc laborsaving
  • weeb disinterment
  • manga folkloristic
  • apocinchonine bishoujo
  • shoujo septotomy

By default, /usr/share/dict/words is used for the dictionary file, but this can be changed with the -d option. Weeb a Word randomly chooses a word from the dictionary file and converts the word to lower case prior to output/posting.

/usr/share/dict/words is usually provided by the "miscfiles" package in most Linux distributions. A sample public domain wordlist (WORD.LST) has also been included with this software. For best results, it is recommended to use the word list included with Slackware Linux's bsd-games package. You can download it here (remember to gunzip):


Weeb a Word can post directly to Mastodon and Pleroma instances and is great for use in an hourly cronjob.

WARNING: Weeb a Word may generate phrases which are only suitable for "free speech" instances.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • Mastodon.py and its dependencies
  • curl


  1. Create a Fediverse account for Weeb a Word.
  2. Set up a token here: https://tinysubversions.com/notes/mastodon-bot/
  3. Create a token file by running this command:curl <command you are given> > tokenfile.json

Note that if you change the password on the account, you will need to create a new token file.


The visibility option may be any of the following:

  • direct (only visible to the bot account)
  • private (only visible to the bot account's followers)
  • public (visible to everyone)
  • unlisted (visible to everyone, but hidden from the public timeline)

In most cases you would want to use either public or unlisted for the visibility option.


Show help: ./weebaword.py -h

Show license (Simplified BSD): ./weebaword.py -c

Show version: ./weebaword.py -v

Print 1 phrase to stdout: ./weebaword.py -p 1

Print 4 phrases to stdout, with Loli a Word emulation mode enabled, and using custom dictionary file /usr/share/dict/cracklib-small: ./weebaword.py -p 4 -d /usr/share/dict/cracklib-small -l

Post to an account on Pleroma instance Neckbeard using token file tokenfile.json and public visibility:

./weebaword.py -o https://neckbeard.xyz tokenfile.json public


-redblade7 aka redneonglow


The author runs an instance of Weeb a Word, generating phrases every half hour, here:

The author runs an instance of Weeb a Word, running in Loli a Word emulation mode, generating phrases every half hour, here:



