Weeb a Word v1.1 stable (20210328)
Weeb a Word, created by redneonglow, is a Fediverse phrase bot which generates random otaku culture inspired phrases using an external dictionary file. It is inspired by the popular Loli a Word and Free Word Extremist bots, and has a mode to emulate Loli a Word.
Example phrases using the default dictionary from bsd-games-2.17 in Slackware Linux:
Example phrases using the Slackware settings above, but with Loli a Word emulation mode enabled:
Example phrases using the default dictionary from miscfiles-1.5-r3 in Gentoo Linux:
By default, /usr/share/dict/words is used for the dictionary file, but this can be changed with the -d option. Weeb a Word randomly chooses a word from the dictionary file and converts the word to lower case prior to output/posting.
/usr/share/dict/words is usually provided by the "miscfiles" package in most Linux distributions. A sample public domain wordlist (WORD.LST) has also been included with this software. For best results, it is recommended to use the word list included with Slackware Linux's bsd-games package. You can download it here (remember to gunzip):
Weeb a Word can post directly to Mastodon and Pleroma instances and is great for use in an hourly cronjob.
WARNING: Weeb a Word may generate phrases which are only suitable for "free speech" instances.
curl <command you are given> > tokenfile.json
Note that if you change the password on the account, you will need to create a new token file.
The visibility option may be any of the following:
(only visible to the bot account)private
(only visible to the bot account's followers)public
(visible to everyone)unlisted
(visible to everyone, but hidden from the public timeline)In most cases you would want to use either public
or unlisted
for the visibility option.
Show help: ./weebaword.py -h
Show license (Simplified BSD): ./weebaword.py -c
Show version: ./weebaword.py -v
Print 1 phrase to stdout: ./weebaword.py -p 1
Print 4 phrases to stdout, with Loli a Word emulation mode enabled, and using custom dictionary file /usr/share/dict/cracklib-small: ./weebaword.py -p 4 -d /usr/share/dict/cracklib-small -l
Post to an account on Pleroma instance Neckbeard using token file tokenfile.json and public visibility:
./weebaword.py -o https://neckbeard.xyz tokenfile.json public
-redblade7 aka redneonglow
/ https://neckbeard.xyz/redneonglow (main)@redneonglow@anime.website
/ https://anime.website/redneonglow (backup)@redneonglow@weeaboo.space
/ https://weeaboo.space/redneonglow (backup)The author runs an instance of Weeb a Word, generating phrases every half hour, here:
/ https://neckbeard.xyz/weebawordThe author runs an instance of Weeb a Word, running in Loli a Word emulation mode, generating phrases every half hour, here:
/ https://neckbeard.xyz/loliaword