
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 袁鸿畅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

RC24 Bot

It took a while, but it's finally here...

Introducing a JDA version of RiiConnect24 Bot

or.. rather, what's on master. What is currently running, I can't quite say.

Why does this bot use JDA

While discordrb is awesome, it usually takes quite a bit for newly added API features to come out. That's fine for most bots, but most in the community wanted the latest as soon as possible.

Also, the fact more users know Java in RiiConnect24's community helped the decision.

How do i set up the bot to host it myself?

I'm glad you asked.

A note: We no longer use YAML except for the config (which was just a Ruby class before), as Java really doesn't like YAML.

Check out the following steps:

  1. You'll need to have MySQL and Maven installed.
  2. We'll create the Redis structures as we go, so no need to set anything up.
  3. git clone the repo somewhere and cd into it.
  4. It's time to start building... Run mvn package! And... tada! That's it. You can find JAR(s) created in target. Easy!
  5. For running, make sure you have MySQL installed on whatever machine.

If you need support for the bot, head on over to the bot's official support server or DM Artuto#0424 | 264499432538505217 in Discord.

For more infos about JDA, click here.

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