
, hold all these things
授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 包永新
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

why cant i, hold all these different kinds of item



why cant I, hold all these

runs using github actions' scheduledevents.thanks to simon willison for the inspiration for thissetup.

i unfortunately haven't documented this approach very well yet. for now, you cancheck out the github workflow file. you can alsolook at the environment variables (required and optional) inenv.ts.

as part of this approach, you'll need an "orphan" git branch (one that doesn'tshare any history with the main branch) in the same repo. this is where statethat's persisted across bot runs is stored (the branch is appropriately named"data"). if you've forked this repo with all its branches, this should alreadyexist.

if not -- well, it's a bit clunky to create. for now, the recommended approachis to make sure you're on a clone with the remote set correctly and that thefile persist/unused_concepts.json exists locally (you may have to run yarn dev). then run npx gh-pages -d persist -b data.

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