
.NET Client for Telegram Bot API
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 王经赋
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

.NET Client for Telegram Bot API

Telegram.Bot is the most popular .NET Client for �� Telegram Bot API.

The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram.

Check �� Bots: An introduction for developers �� to understand what a Telegram bot is and what it can do.

We, the Telegram Bots team, mainly focus on developing multiple NuGet packages for creating chatbots.

Package Documentation News Channel Team Group Chat
This package on NuGet Telegram bots book Subscribe to �� @tgbots_dotnet channel to get our latest news The team contributing to this work Join our chat �� to talk about bots and ask questions

�� Getting Started

Please check ➡️ the Quickstart guide.

�� Supported Platforms

Project targets .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 3.1 at minimum.

�� Extension Packages

This project is referred to as the core package and is always required for developing Telegram bots.There are extension packages that you can include in your bot projects for additional functionality:

Correctness & Testing

This project is fully tested using Unit tests and Systems Integration tests before each release.In fact, our test cases are self-documenting and serve as examples for Bot API methods.Once you learn the basics of Telegram chatbots, you will be able to easily understand the code in examples anduse it in your own bot projects.

�� References

  • 目录 创建机器人 将机器人添加到群组里 获取群组chat_id 机器人发送请求 请求接口 携带参数 获取响应 telegram对象 Update User Chat Message MessageEntity BotCommand WebhookInfo ReplyKeyboardMarkup KeyboardButton KeyboardButtonPollType ReplyKeyboardR



