Graphic Engine & Game Engine open source list!
Engine EnginePlugin OfflineEngine SoftRenderer RenderingDesign
GI VolumeRendering PostProcessing Stylize Transparency VFX Standard Format
Acceleration SpatialDataStructures RenderPath
Util SDF Math Image&Color Noise Mesh Platform UI
minpt A path tracer in 300 lines of C++
PSRayTracing A (modern) C++ implementation of the first two books of the Peter Shirley Ray Tracing mini-books
rayn A small path tracing renderer written in Rust.
Volumetric-Path-Tracer Volumetric path tracer using cuda
simple-spectral A Simple Spectral Renderer
WaterSurfaceWavelets Water Surface Wavelets (SIGGRAPH 2018)
FSWW Fundamental Sources for Water Wave Animation
VaOcean Ocean Surface Simulation Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
OceanProject An Ocean Simulation project for Unreal Engine 4
Ocean Community Next Gen Next gen iteration of the unity community ocean shader
UE4_Dynamic_Water_Project Unreal Engine 4 Dynamic Water Project by marvelmaster
WaveWorks WaveWorks is a library for simulating wind-driven waves on large bodies of water, in real time, using GPU acceleration.
whitecaps Real-time Animation and Rendering of Ocean Whitecaps
BoatAttack com.verasl.water-system Gerstner waves water.
RealtimeWater implemented based on "Fast Water Simulation for Games Using Height Fields".
fft-ocean WebGL FFT (Fast Fourier transform) ocean rendering for Three.js
EncinoWaves Implementation of "Empirical Directional Wave Spectra for Computer Graphics" paper by Christopher Horvath
water-wave-packets Sandbox binary and source code for the Siggraph 2017 paper "Water Wave Packets" by Stefan Jeschke (NVIDIA) and Chris Wojtan (IST Austria)
WaveParticle A project for testing the wave particle
Wave-Particles-with-Interactive-Vortices A dx12 river renderer using wave particles with interactive vortices.
UnityWaveEquation unity实现二维波方程交互水面与实时焦散
WaterCaustics Water caustic rendering experiments in OpenGL with Python
threejs-caustics Caustics computation using ThreeJS
water-demo A port of Evan Wallace's "Water Demo" for WebGL to Unity.
Ocean_mobile_with_boat_physic Ocean mobile with boat physic controller
Unity-WaterBuoyancy Water Buoyancy Simulation for Unity
UnityTerrainErosionGPU Hydraulic and thermal erosion with shallow water equations implemented in Unity using compute shaders.
DynamicWaterDemo A real-time dynamic water simulation with object interaction made entirely within the Godot Engine.
Jerry Tessendorf's paper "Simulating Ocean Water".
fftocean ocean-simulation Phillips-Ocean
Eric.Bruneton's paper "an improved version using an FFT method to synthesize the surface."Eric.Bruneton Brunetons-Ocean