PICO-EC aims to provide very basic and simple support for Scenes, Entities and Components within PICO-8.
The library offers a simple solution to creating custom objects with init, update and draw cycles thatrun off of the main application states without having to manually maintain and direct their lifecycles.
Objects can then be manipulated through custom defined behaviours. This allows for easy abstraction ofgeneric behaviours and properties.
The library itself doesn't ship with any default behaviours, however a selection of some that I thinkmay be useful, including sprites, animations, transforms and physics can be found here. [To be added]
PICO-EC currently sits at 784 tokens, although this isn't currently particularly optimised.
Like any PICO-8 library, integrating this library into your cart is as simple as copy/pasting the sourceinto the top of your code (I recommend the top in order to avoid problems with object ordering).
Getting started with PICO-EC aims to be very simple and easy. Here's an example showing how to createa scene with a default entity added.
local firstScene = factory.createScene()
local firstEntity = factory.createEntity()
mainScene = firstScene
Simple, right? In order for your scenes to run correctly however, you do of course need to hook themup into your main application lifecycle as follows!
function _init()
function _update()
function _draw()
From here, the currently active scene will cycle through all of it's added entities and call therelevant lifecycle functions on them. The entities in turn will call these functions on theiradded components.
Now that's all well and good, but without any behaviours, nothing's actually going to happen, so let'screate some custom behaviours to get a rectangle moving on screen.
I think we're going to want to draw a background rect, and a moveable foreground rect. So thinking logicallyabout separation of behaviours, I think we can separate these into 3 separate components:
Creating a custom component is as simple as defining a new table object and calling a function. Your componentcan simply hold properties to be manipulated and referenced by other components, or it can override some functionson the default component to provide some new behvaiours.
-- Transform
_transformComponent = {
name = "Transform",
x = 0,
y = 0
-- Rect
_rectComponent = {
name = "Rect",
transform = nil,
w = 0,
h = 0,
color = 0
function _rectComponent:setColor(col)
self.color = col
function _rectComponent:init()
self.transform = self.parent:getComponent("Transform")
function _rectComponent:draw()
local x = self.transform.x
local y = self.transform.y
local w = x + self.w
local h = y + self.h
rectfill(x, y, w, h, self.color)
-- Mover
_moverComponent = {
name = "Mover",
transform = nil
function _moverComponent:init()
self.transform = self.parent:getComponent("Transform")
function _moverComponent:update()
if (btn(0)) self.transform.x -= 1
if (btn(1)) self.transform.x += 1
if (btn(2)) self.transform.y -= 1
if (btn(3)) self.transform.y += 1
With our three primary components now defined, we can bind it all together into our scene down inour main section like so:
-- Main
-- Create scenes and entities
local movingRectScene = factory.createScene()
local backgroundEnt = factory.createEntity()
local playerEnt = factory.createEntity()
-- Create components for background rect
--Let's set the background's size
backgroundEnt:getComponent("Rect"):setSize(128, 128)
--Let's change the color of the background
-- Create components for player rect
--Let's set the player's size
playerEnt:getComponent("Rect"):setSize(5, 5)
--Let's change the color of the player
mainScene = movingRectScene
function _init()
function _update()
function _draw()
Let's take a look at how that runs in the console!
Perfect! With that finished, you can go off and start writing your own customcomponents, entities and scenes to run drive your games!
Whilst I do believe that this library can be quite verbose for very small PICO-8 projects,as your projects reach a higher scale, it can really help to cut down on tokens as your game isdriven by many reusable entities and behavioours.
You can find the example code above in the cart folder if you want to load it up into the consoleand play around with it!
The API documentation for the library can be viewed here.
PICO-Tween is a port of the easing functions developed by Robert Penner. This port was based on the Lua port by EmmanuelOgaand optimised to suit the PICO-8 by refactoring to remove unnecessary tokens
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