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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 封飞
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Liquid Application Framework

This repository contains Liquid Application Framework documentation, useful links and sample project

New Major Version Warning
  • This is the new major version of Liquid Application Framework, launched on April/2021.
  • We've made significant breaking changes and a complete rearchitecture of our framework. So, this version isn't compatible and there is no easy conversion from the old one.
  • We decided to deprecate the old version and it will not receive any kind of updates, not even bug fixes. But, for historical purposes and to allow anyone relying on it to fork the code and maintain its own version of it, we'll keep the old repository public.

What is Liquid?

Liquid is a multi-cloud framework designed to accelerate the development of cloud-native microservices while avoiding coupling your code to specific cloud providers.

When writing Liquid applications, you stop worrying about the technology and focus on your business logic - Liquid abstracts most of the boilerplate and let you just write domain code that looks great and gets the job done.


  • Abstracts a number of services from cloud providers such as Azure, AWS and Google Cloud to enable you to write code that could run anywhere.
  • Brings a directed programming model that will save you time on thinking how to structure your application, allowing you to focus on writing business code.

Getting Started

To use Liquid, you create a new base ASP.Net Core application and then download and install the following nuget packages:

Liquid Application Framework Binaries Type Version
Liquid.Core mandatory
Liquid.Domain desirable
Liquid.Repository optional
Liquid.Cache optional
Liquid.Messaging optional
Liquid.Services optional
Liquid.WebApi.Http optional
Liquid.WebApi.Grpc optional
Liquid.Serverless optional
Liquid.Tests desirable

And then choose the implementation cartridges you need to your project, for example:


Some of the best ways to contribute are to try things out, file issues, and make pull-requests.

  • You can provide feedback by filing issues on GitHub. We accept issues, ideas and questions.
  • You can contribute by creating pull requests for the issues that are listed. Look for issues marked as good first issue if you are new to the project.

In any case, be sure to take a look at the contributing guide before starting.

Useful Links

Liquid Application Framework Sources
  • Liquid 由微众银行区块链团队开发并完全开源,是一种嵌入式领域特定语言( embedded Domain Specific Language,eDSL),能够用来编写运行于区块链底层平台 FISCO BCOS 的智能合约。 关键特性 安全(Security) 内置线性资产模型,对安全可控、不可复制的资产类型进行了高级抽象,确保链上资产类应用具备金融级安全性; 支持在智能合约内部便捷地编写单元测

  •     �� New Version Coming �� For all users of this extension. The next major release is on its way. The next version will ship many additional features and fix any current issues submitted here in the

  • Liquid Fire 为 Ember 应用提供了完整的动画支持。 示例代码: import { animate, stop } from "vendor/liquid-fire";export function crossFade(oldView, insertNewView, opts) {  stop(oldView);  return insertNewView().then(functi

  • Liquid-dsp 是一个用于软件定义无线电的开源数字信号处理(DSP)库,专门为嵌入式平台上的软件定义无线电设计。 其目的是提供一个轻量级的 DSP 库,不依赖无数的外部依赖性或专有的和其他繁琐的框架。所有的信号处理元素都被设计成灵活、可扩展和动态的,包括滤波器、滤波器设计、振荡器、调制器、同步器、复杂的数学运算等等。 // get in, manipulate data, get out#i

  • Liquid 语法 liquid 语法网站 Liquid 是 Ruby 的一个模版引擎库,Jekyll中用到的Liquid标记有两种:输出和标签。 Output 标记:变成文本输出,被2层成对的花括号包住,如: {{content}} Tag 标记:执行命令,被成对的花括号和百分号包住,如: {% command %} Jekyll 输出 Output 示例: Hello {{name}} Hel