AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is a plugin for JetBrains IDEs thatmake it easier to write applications built on Amazon Web Services
The AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is open source because we want you to be involved. We appreciate issues, feature requests, pullrequests, code reviews or any other contributions.
We want your feedback!
All JetBrains IDEs 2020.1+
See Installing the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains in the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains User Guide.
To use this AWS Toolkit, you will first need an AWS account, a user within that account, and an access key for thatuser. To use the AWS Toolkit to do AWS serverless application development and to run/debug AWS Lambda functions locally,you will also need to install the AWS CLI, Docker, and the AWS SAM CLI. The installation guide covers setting up all ofthese prerequisites.
We also offer opt-in Early Access Preview builds that are built automatically.
In order to opt-in:
to your IDE's plugin repository preferences bygoing to Plugins->Gear Icon->Manage Plugin Repositories and adding the URL to the listPlease see CONTRIBUTING for instructions.
Many of these features require the AWS SAM CLI to be installed, see theServerless Application Model (SAM) website for more information oninstallation of the SAM CLI.
SAM features support Java, Python, Node.js, and .NET Core
Note: Python features are available in both PyCharm and IntelliJ with thePython Plugin installed.
Note: database features require using a paid JetBrains product
Sometimes we'll introduce experimental features that we're trying out. These may have bugs, usability problems or may not be fully functional, and because thesearen't ready for prime-time we'll hide them behind an experimental feature flag.
Experimental features can be enabled in the settings/preferences(Settings -> Tools -> AWS -> Experimental Features
) or via the Addtional Settings () in the AWS Explorer Tool Window.
Please note that experimental features may be disabled / removed at any time.
The plugin is distributed according to the terms outlined in our LICENSE.
最近对AWS服务器VMtype进行了升级主要从t3.medium升级到m5.large 我们服务器共36台操作系统主要为Ubuntu14,16和Centos6,7和Amazon Linux 升级步骤如下 1 ENA 驱动编译 由于M4后支持弹性网络所以必须安装ENA才可以进行VMType的变更 modinfo ena查看是否已经成功安装了ena驱动 grep . /etc/*-release
AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code System Status Build (main branch) Marketplace The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code is an extension for working with AWS services such as AWS Lambda. The Toolkit is
我无法为Eclipse安装AWS工具包。我不明白如何下载,这个“bundle org.eclipse.core.variables 3.2.800”是什么,消息末尾的依赖关系是什么?这是一个错误: 无法完成安装,因为找不到一个或多个必需的项目。当前安装的软件:AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Core(必需)2.3.1.V201707121824(com.amazonaws.Ecli
基于 Abstract User Interface Markup Language(用户界面面板基于 XML 的表示),AUIML Toolkit 让开发人员能轻松编写用户界面并能将其作为 Swing 应用程序运行或在 Web 上运行。 AUIML Toolkit 包含一个基于 Eclipse 的 Visual Builder 以及 Java™ Swing 呈现器和 Web 呈现器各一个。在设计
Wink Toolkit 是一个轻量级的 JavaScript 框架帮你构建手机的web应用。
OpenVINO Toolkit-prc —— 深度学习部署工具包(Deep Learning Deployment Toolkit )。 工具包简介 为了方便国内开发者的使用,我们在码云平台部署了openvinotoolkit-prc项目相关工具包镜像,包括OpenVINO, open_model_zoo, DLStreamer_gst, model_server, NNCF_pytorch,
Seismic ToolKit 是一个工具,供处理和地震信号的数据显示在一个图形界面。其内容的地震信号的SAC格式,并提供了多种信号处理,如滤波,频谱分析,两极分化分析,时频表 示, Hilbert变换和奇异值分解。一些公用事业包括有用的地震应用程序,如计算地震矩钼,地幔规模毫米和矩震级兆瓦, MTPA谱分析,策划联络机制,计算(和策划)仪器的反应极和零点,和一些有用的格林尼治标准时间(通用映射工