This is a guide based on our experiences of going from help desk to Cloud and DevOps engineers.
You can learn more about our journeys into cloud here:
We tried to keep it as general and using the most popular options (in terms of content, community, and jobs) as possible.
The 6 month timeline is something we put in place to help people with planning and accountability. It may take you more or less time for each phase and if it does, that is completely fine.
Most of the resources we've listed have projects in each module/chapter. Don't leave them to the end and do them as you go.
Order | Topic | Time commitment |
1 | Linux and Networking fundamentals | 6 weeks |
2 | Programming fundamentals | 6 weeks |
3 | Cloud platform fundamentals | 8 weeks |
4 | DevOps fundamentals | 4 weeks |
At anytime | Study resources | Up to you |
At anytime | Additional resources on tech related topics | Up to you |
摘要 在过去几年中,自动驾驶汽车经历了快速发展。然而,由于驾驶环境的复杂性和动态性,实现完全自主并非易事。因此,自动驾驶车辆配备了一套不同的传感器,以确保可靠、准确的环境感知。特别是,相机激光雷达融合正在成为一个新兴的研究主题。然而,到目前为止,还没有关于基于深度学习的相机激光雷达融合方法的评论。为了弥合这一差距并激励未来的研究,本文致力于回顾最近利用图像和点云的基于深度学习的数据融合方法。本文简
A guide to learning any topic faster than 95% of people: Richard Feynman was a physician who won the Nobel Prize in 1965. But he became known for his great lectures. Why? He was able to explain comple
云计算专题目录 Catalogue | Cloud computing 此文章为试读文章,阅读 试读专栏 Single Choice 1、在linux中。系统默认的_____用户对整个系统拥有完全的控制权。 A. root B. guest C. administrator D. supervistor 【答案】A 2、当登陆linux时,一个具有唯一进程ID号的shell将被调用,这个ID是__
Task Failure Prediction in Cloud Data Centers Using Deep Learning Introduce 论文使用的数据:系统消息日志 模型:多层双向长期短期记忆 (Bi-LSTM), 目标:识别云中的任务和作业失败 背景介绍中其他人的方法: 文献[3]、[7]-[13] 使用统计和机器学习方法,例如隐藏半马尔可夫模型 (HSMM) 和支持向量机 (S
Abstract 这封信提出了一个在点云上进行3D实例分割的框架。使用3D卷积神经网络作为主干,同时生成语义预测和实例嵌入。除了嵌入信息,点云还提供反映点之间关系的3D几何信息。考虑到这两种类型的信息,提出了结构感知损失函数来实现每个3D实例的判别嵌入。为了消除由3D体素引起的量化误差,提出了基于注意力的k近邻(kNN)。与平均策略不同,它为不同的邻居学习不同的权重来聚合和更新实例嵌入。我们的网络
Index Paper Title Code Descriptions 1 A comprehensive review of 3D point cloud descriptors – Tianjin Univ 2 PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation PointNet Stanfo
自学习与半监督学习:两者都是有少量的标注数据和大量的未标注数据的情况。两者的不同在于半监督学习要求标注数据和未标注数据有同样的分布,而自学习没有这种要求,因此具有更广泛的应用。 自学习包括两个部分,第一个是用无标签的样本集训练稀疏自编码器,第二个是用有标签的训练样本集训练softmax分类器。 具体过程如下: 第一步,设置神经网络的结构; 第二步,利用无标签数据集训练稀疏自编码器; 第三步,利用稀
Cloud deployment of editor & plugins Learn how to set up the TinyMCE editor via the Cloud or migrate from a self-hosted environment. Cloud deployment of plugins Only Learn how to setup TinyMCE Plugins
Introduction Note This section of the documentation is under construction. We are in the process of adding more examples about all of the GCE modules and how they work together. Upgrades via github pu
调整现有代码以使用RestHighLevelClient而不是TransportClient需要以下步骤: 更新依赖关系 更新客户端初始化 更新应用程序代码
本人上一次正式英语考试大约是五年前大学四级考试,得分 442,大学每学期考试基本是 60 多分过线就好,纯属英语渣底子很差。但是由于一些特殊需求,雅思需要考到 6.5 分及以上,所以自 2018 年 6 月份开始一直在学习英语。在学习过程中,对语言学习从陌生到熟悉,从毫无头绪到了解一些实用的训练方法,从乱看经验经常换方法到总结出自己的学习方法。 经过四个月断续学习 + 接近两个月的全职突击备考,考
Intro This is a guide based on our experiences of going from help desk to Cloud and DevOps engineers. Once done, you should have the enough technical knowledge for roles like: System administrator. Cl
Most users shouldn't need to care about the internal details of how TensorFlow stores data on disk, but you might if you're a tool developer. For example, you may want to analyze models, or convert ba