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This is the repository for various code examples used in the publicAWS documentation. For more information, seeTools to Build on AWS.
The code examples are organized by AWS SDK or AWS programming tool. For example, among the top-level folders:
We also have code examples for two SDKs currently in alpha,DO NOT USE THIS EXAMPLE CODE IN PRODUCTION:
Code examples for older AWS SDK versions are archived in this repository but no longer maintained. These include:
As AWS SDK major version numbers increment, this repository will begin to more consistently reflect their version numbers among these folders to make these distinctions clearer. For example, if and when the AWS SDK for Ruby moves to a version 4, a new rubyv4 folder will be added. Then when AWS officially announces that AWS SDK for Ruby version 3 has been deprecated, the ruby folder will be deleted.
Other top-level folders include:
Note that the scripts folder contains scripts that the AWS documentation team uses internally to build the code examples into various AWS documentation sets.
Inside each language-specific directory, we include a README file that explains how tobuild and run the examples in the directory.
The example code in the language-specific directories is organized bythe AWS service command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) Command Reference (s3 for Amazon S3 examples, and soon).
To propose a new code example for the AWS documentation team to consider working on, create arequest.
Note that the AWS documentation team prefers to produce code examples that cover broader scenarios and usecases, versus simple code snippets that cover only individual API calls.
If you plan to contribute examples for use in the documentation (the purpose of this repository),read this section carefully so that we can work together effectively.For process instructions and additional guidance, see the Guidelines for contributing.
All content in this repository, unless otherwise stated, isCopyright © Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Except where otherwise noted, all examples in this collection are licensed under the Apachelicense, version 2.0 (the "License"). The fulllicense text is provided in the LICENSE
file accompanying this repository.
Amazon S3 的 java sdk简单使用 在开发过程中基本都需要使用到对象存储技术。 对于一些国内的项目来说,可以使用阿里云,七牛云,京东云等开发平台进行开发对接存储对象。 而对于海外的项目,可能现有的国内技术无法使用,这时候就遇到了amazon这个平台了。在此只整理了其对接以及对象存储和验签预览对象的功能。 以下使用的是AWS SDK for Java2.x的开发工具包 详细使用请看:h
一、参考文档 v1 v2 dependency <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-s3</artifactId> <version>1.11.600</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>software.amazon.awssdk<
我用的 ServiceAccount 关联的 IAM Role 做的 k8s 应用内的授权。使用的 aws-java-sdk v1 的版本客户端。 这样 Presign 一个 S3 文件: import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; impo
1、存储桶复制 分为2种: SCR , CCR SCR和CCR的操作文档可以参考AWS 官方文档,这里就不重复了: 复制对象 - Amazon Simple Storage Service 使用 S3 分批复制以复制现有对象 - Amazon Simple Storage Service 授予 Amazon S3 分批操作的权限 - Amazon Simple Storage Service S
设置 你可以用全局方法配置连接: Aws.config.update( endpoint: 'https://objects.dreamhost.com.', access_key_id: 'my-access-key', secret_access_key: 'my-secret-key', force_path_style: tr
aws-sdk-perl Attempt to build a complete AWS SDK in Perl This project is attempting to build an entire AWS SDK from the informationthat is stored in other AWS SDKs. Other AWS SDKs have a "data-driven"
AWS SDK for Ruby - Version 3 Links of Interest API Documentation Developer Guide V3 Upgrading Guide AWS Developer Blog Github Discussions Installation The AWS SDK for Ruby is available from RubyGems.
AWS SDK for JavaScript Version 3.x Now Available The version 3.x of the AWS SDK for JavaScript is generally available.For more information see the Developer Guideor API Reference. For release notes, s
AWS SDK for Java The AWS SDK for Java enables Java developers to easily work with Amazon Web Services andbuild scalable solutions with Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Glacier, and more. You can get
AWS SDK for Android Samples This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of the AWS SDK for Android. Resources Developer Guide for AWS SDK for Android Please refer to README file in ea