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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 上官景铄
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Test Deploy

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Discouraged tags

To learn more about why Alpine images are discouraged for Python read the note at the end: �� Alpine Python Warning.

Note: There are tags for each build date. If you need to "pin" the Docker image version you use, you can select one of those tags. E.g. tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi:python3.7-2019-10-15.


Docker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance FastAPI web applications in Python 3.6 and above with performance auto-tuning. Optionally in a slim version or based on Alpine Linux.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker

Docker Hub image: https://hub.docker.com/r/tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi/


FastAPI has shown to be a Python web framework with one of the best performances, as measured by third-party benchmarks, thanks to being based on and powered by Starlette.

The achievable performance is on par with (and in many cases superior to) Go and Node.js frameworks.

This image has an auto-tuning mechanism included to start a number of worker processes based on the available CPU cores. That way you can just add your code and get high performance automatically, which is useful in simple deployments.

�� WARNING: You Probably Don't Need this Docker Image

You are probably using Kubernetes or similar tools. In that case, you probably don't need this image (or any other similar base image). You are probably better off building a Docker image from scratch as explained in the docs for FastAPI in Containers - Docker: Build a Docker Image for FastAPI.

If you have a cluster of machines with Kubernetes, Docker Swarm Mode, Nomad, or other similar complex system to manage distributed containers on multiple machines, then you will probably want to handle replication at the cluster level instead of using a process manager (like Gunicorn with Uvicorn workers) in each container, which is what this Docker image does.

In those cases (e.g. using Kubernetes) you would probably want to build a Docker image from scratch, installing your dependencies, and running a single Uvicorn process instead of this image.

For example, your Dockerfile could look like:

FROM python:3.9


COPY ./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txt

COPY ./app /code/app

CMD ["uvicorn", "app.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "80"]

You can read more about this in the FastAPI documentation about: FastAPI in Containers - Docker.

When to Use this Docker Image

A Simple App

You could want a process manager like Gunicorn running Uvicorn workers in the container if your application is simple enough that you don't need (at least not yet) to fine-tune the number of processes too much, and you can just use an automated default, and you are running it on a single server, not a cluster.

Docker Compose

You could be deploying to a single server (not a cluster) with Docker Compose, so you wouldn't have an easy way to manage replication of containers (with Docker Compose) while preserving the shared network and load balancing.

Then you could want to have a single container with a Gunicorn process manager starting several Uvicorn worker processes inside, as this Docker image does.

Prometheus and Other Reasons

You could also have other reasons that would make it easier to have a single container with multiple processes instead of having multiple containers with a single process in each of them.

For example (depending on your setup) you could have some tool like a Prometheus exporter in the same container that should have access to each of the requests that come.

In this case, if you had multiple containers, by default, when Prometheus came to read the metrics, it would get the ones for a single container each time (for the container that handled that particular request), instead of getting the accumulated metrics for all the replicated containers.

Then, in that case, it could be simpler to have one container with multiple processes, and a local tool (e.g. a Prometheus exporter) on the same container collecting Prometheus metrics for all the internal processes and exposing those metrics on that single container.

Read more about it all in the FastAPI documentation about: FastAPI in Containers - Docker.

Technical Details


Uvicorn is a lightning-fast "ASGI" server.

It runs asynchronous Python web code in a single process.


You can use Gunicorn to start and manage multiple Uvicorn worker processes.

That way, you get the best of concurrency and parallelism in simple deployments.


FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+.

The key features are:

  • Fast: Very high performance, on par with NodeJS and Go (thanks to Starlette and Pydantic).
  • Fast to code: Increase the speed to develop features by about 200% to 300% *.
  • Less bugs: Reduce about 40% of human (developer) induced errors. *
  • Intuitive: Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time debugging.
  • Easy: Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs.
  • Short: Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter declaration. Less bugs.
  • Robust: Get production-ready code. With automatic interactive documentation.
  • Standards-based: Based on (and fully compatible with) the open standards for APIs: OpenAPI (previously known as Swagger) and JSON Schema.

* estimation based on tests on an internal development team, building production applications.


This image will set a sensible configuration based on the server it is running on (the amount of CPU cores available) without making sacrifices.

It has sensible defaults, but you can configure it with environment variables or override the configuration files.

There is also a slim version and another one based on Alpine Linux. If you want one of those, use one of the tags from above.


This image (tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi) is based on tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn.

That image is what actually does all the work.

This image just installs FastAPI and has the documentation specifically targeted at FastAPI.

If you feel confident about your knowledge of Uvicorn, Gunicorn and ASGI, you can use that image directly.


There is a sibling Docker image: tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-starlette

If you are creating a new Starlette web application and you want to discard all the additional features from FastAPI you should use tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-starlette instead.

Note: FastAPI is based on Starlette and adds several features on top of it. Useful for APIs and other cases: data validation, data conversion, documentation with OpenAPI, dependency injection, security/authentication and others.

How to use

You don't need to clone the GitHub repo.

You can use this image as a base image for other images.

Assuming you have a file requirements.txt, you could have a Dockerfile like this:

FROM tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi:python3.9

COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /app/requirements.txt

COPY ./app /app

It will expect a file at /app/app/main.py.

Or otherwise a file at /app/main.py.

And will expect it to contain a variable app with your FastAPI application.

Then you can build your image from the directory that has your Dockerfile, e.g:

docker build -t myimage ./

Quick Start

Build your Image

  • Go to your project directory.
  • Create a Dockerfile with:
FROM tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi:python3.9

COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /app/requirements.txt

COPY ./app /app
  • Create an app directory and enter in it.
  • Create a main.py file with:
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

def read_item(item_id: int, q: str = None):
    return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q}
  • You should now have a directory structure like:
├── app
│   └── main.py
└── Dockerfile
  • Go to the project directory (in where your Dockerfile is, containing your app directory).
  • Build your FastAPI image:
docker build -t myimage .
  • Run a container based on your image:
docker run -d --name mycontainer -p 80:80 myimage

Now you have an optimized FastAPI server in a Docker container. Auto-tuned for your current server (and number of CPU cores).

Check it

You should be able to check it in your Docker container's URL, for example: or (or equivalent, using your Docker host).

You will see something like:

{"item_id": 5, "q": "somequery"}

Interactive API docs

Now you can go to or (or equivalent, using your Docker host).

You will see the automatic interactive API documentation (provided by Swagger UI):

Swagger UI

Alternative API docs

And you can also go to or equivalent, using your Docker host).

You will see the alternative automatic documentation (provided by ReDoc):


Dependencies and packages

You will probably also want to add any dependencies for your app and pin them to a specific version, probably including Uvicorn, Gunicorn, and FastAPI.

This way you can make sure your app always works as expected.

You could install packages with pip commands in your Dockerfile, using a requirements.txt, or even using Poetry.

And then you can upgrade those dependencies in a controlled way, running your tests, making sure that everything works, but without breaking your production application if some new version is not compatible.

Using Poetry

Here's a small example of one of the ways you could install your dependencies making sure you have a pinned version for each package.

Let's say you have a project managed with Poetry, so, you have your package dependencies in a file pyproject.toml. And possibly a file poetry.lock.

Then you could have a Dockerfile using Docker multi-stage building with:

FROM python:3.9 as requirements-stage


RUN pip install poetry

COPY ./pyproject.toml ./poetry.lock* /tmp/

RUN poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes

FROM tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi:python3.9

COPY --from=requirements-stage /tmp/requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /app/requirements.txt

COPY ./app /app

That will:

  • Install poetry and configure it for running inside of the Docker container.
  • Copy your application requirements.
    • Because it uses ./poetry.lock* (ending with a *), it won't crash if that file is not available yet.
  • Install the dependencies.
  • Then copy your app code.

It's important to copy the app code after installing the dependencies, that way you can take advantage of Docker's cache. That way it won't have to install everything from scratch every time you update your application files, only when you add new dependencies.

This also applies for any other way you use to install your dependencies. If you use a requirements.txt, copy it alone and install all the dependencies on the top of the Dockerfile, and add your app code after it.

Advanced usage

Environment variables

These are the environment variables that you can set in the container to configure it and their default values:


The Python "module" (file) to be imported by Gunicorn, this module would contain the actual application in a variable.

By default:

  • app.main if there's a file /app/app/main.py or
  • main if there's a file /app/main.py

For example, if your main file was at /app/custom_app/custom_main.py, you could set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e MODULE_NAME="custom_app.custom_main" myimage


The variable inside of the Python module that contains the FastAPI application.

By default:

  • app

For example, if your main Python file has something like:

from fastapi import FastAPI

api = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

In this case api would be the variable with the FastAPI application. You could set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e VARIABLE_NAME="api" myimage


The string with the Python module and the variable name passed to Gunicorn.

By default, set based on the variables MODULE_NAME and VARIABLE_NAME:

  • app.main:app or
  • main:app

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e APP_MODULE="custom_app.custom_main:api" myimage


The path to a Gunicorn Python configuration file.

By default:

  • /app/gunicorn_conf.py if it exists
  • /app/app/gunicorn_conf.py if it exists
  • /gunicorn_conf.py (the included default)

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e GUNICORN_CONF="/app/custom_gunicorn_conf.py" myimage

You can use the config file from the base image as a starting point for yours.


This image will check how many CPU cores are available in the current server running your container.

It will set the number of workers to the number of CPU cores multiplied by this value.

By default:

  • 1

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e WORKERS_PER_CORE="3" myimage

If you used the value 3 in a server with 2 CPU cores, it would run 6 worker processes.

You can use floating point values too.

So, for example, if you have a big server (let's say, with 8 CPU cores) running several applications, and you have a FastAPI application that you know won't need high performance. And you don't want to waste server resources. You could make it use 0.5 workers per CPU core. For example:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e WORKERS_PER_CORE="0.5" myimage

In a server with 8 CPU cores, this would make it start only 4 worker processes.

Note: By default, if WORKERS_PER_CORE is 1 and the server has only 1 CPU core, instead of starting 1 single worker, it will start 2. This is to avoid bad performance and blocking applications (server application) on small machines (server machine/cloud/etc). This can be overridden using WEB_CONCURRENCY.


Set the maximum number of workers to use.

You can use it to let the image compute the number of workers automatically but making sure it's limited to a maximum.

This can be useful, for example, if each worker uses a database connection and your database has a maximum limit of open connections.

By default it's not set, meaning that it's unlimited.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e MAX_WORKERS="24" myimage

This would make the image start at most 24 workers, independent of how many CPU cores are available in the server.


Override the automatic definition of number of workers.

By default:

  • Set to the number of CPU cores in the current server multiplied by the environment variable WORKERS_PER_CORE. So, in a server with 2 cores, by default it will be set to 2.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e WEB_CONCURRENCY="2" myimage

This would make the image start 2 worker processes, independent of how many CPU cores are available in the server.


The "host" used by Gunicorn, the IP where Gunicorn will listen for requests.

It is the host inside of the container.

So, for example, if you set this variable to, it will only be available inside the container, not in the host running it.

It's is provided for completeness, but you probably shouldn't change it.

By default:



The port the container should listen on.

If you are running your container in a restrictive environment that forces you to use some specific port (like 8080) you can set it with this variable.

By default:

  • 80

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e PORT="8080" myimage


The actual host and port passed to Gunicorn.

By default, set based on the variables HOST and PORT.

So, if you didn't change anything, it will be set by default to:


You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e BIND="" myimage


The log level for Gunicorn.

One of:

  • debug
  • info
  • warning
  • error
  • critical

By default, set to info.

If you need to squeeze more performance sacrificing logging, set it to warning, for example:

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e LOG_LEVEL="warning" myimage


The class to be used by Gunicorn for the workers.

By default, set to uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker.

The fact that it uses Uvicorn is what allows using ASGI frameworks like FastAPI, and that is also what provides the maximum performance.

You probably shouldn't change it.

But if for some reason you need to use the alternative Uvicorn worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornH11Worker you can set it with this environment variable.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e WORKER_CLASS="uvicorn.workers.UvicornH11Worker" myimage


Workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted.

Read more about it in the Gunicorn docs: timeout.

By default, set to 120.

Notice that Uvicorn and ASGI frameworks like FastAPI are async, not sync. So it's probably safe to have higher timeouts than for sync workers.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e TIMEOUT="20" myimage


The number of seconds to wait for requests on a Keep-Alive connection.

Read more about it in the Gunicorn docs: keepalive.

By default, set to 2.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e KEEP_ALIVE="20" myimage


Timeout for graceful workers restart.

Read more about it in the Gunicorn docs: graceful-timeout.

By default, set to 120.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT="20" myimage


The access log file to write to.

By default "-", which means stdout (print in the Docker logs).

If you want to disable ACCESS_LOG, set it to an empty value.

For example, you could disable it with:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e ACCESS_LOG= myimage


The error log file to write to.

By default "-", which means stderr (print in the Docker logs).

If you want to disable ERROR_LOG, set it to an empty value.

For example, you could disable it with:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e ERROR_LOG= myimage


Any additional command line settings for Gunicorn can be passed in the GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS environment variable.

Read more about it in the Gunicorn docs: Settings.

These settings will have precedence over the other environment variables and any Gunicorn config file.

For example, if you have a custom TLS/SSL certificate that you want to use, you could copy them to the Docker image or mount them in the container, and set --keyfile and --certfile to the location of the files, for example:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS="--keyfile=/secrets/key.pem --certfile=/secrets/cert.pem" -e PORT=443 myimage

Note: instead of handling TLS/SSL yourself and configuring it in the container, it's recommended to use a "TLS Termination Proxy" like Traefik. You can read more about it in the FastAPI documentation about HTTPS.


The path where to find the pre-start script.

By default, set to /app/prestart.sh.

You can set it like:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e PRE_START_PATH="/custom/script.sh" myimage

Custom Gunicorn configuration file

The image includes a default Gunicorn Python config file at /gunicorn_conf.py.

It uses the environment variables declared above to set all the configurations.

You can override it by including a file in:

  • /app/gunicorn_conf.py
  • /app/app/gunicorn_conf.py
  • /gunicorn_conf.py

Custom /app/prestart.sh

If you need to run anything before starting the app, you can add a file prestart.sh to the directory /app. The image will automatically detect and run it before starting everything.

For example, if you want to add Alembic SQL migrations (with SQLALchemy), you could create a ./app/prestart.sh file in your code directory (that will be copied by your Dockerfile) with:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

# Let the DB start
sleep 10;
# Run migrations
alembic upgrade head

and it would wait 10 seconds to give the database some time to start and then run that alembic command.

If you need to run a Python script before starting the app, you could make the /app/prestart.sh file run your Python script, with something like:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

# Run custom Python script before starting
python /app/my_custom_prestart_script.py

You can customize the location of the prestart script with the environment variable PRE_START_PATH described above.

Development live reload

The default program that is run is at /start.sh. It does everything described above.

There's also a version for development with live auto-reload at:



For development, it's useful to be able to mount the contents of the application code inside of the container as a Docker "host volume", to be able to change the code and test it live, without having to build the image every time.

In that case, it's also useful to run the server with live auto-reload, so that it re-starts automatically at every code change.

The additional script /start-reload.sh runs Uvicorn alone (without Gunicorn) and in a single process.

It is ideal for development.


For example, instead of running:

docker run -d -p 80:80 myimage

You could run:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -v $(pwd):/app myimage /start-reload.sh
  • -v $(pwd):/app: means that the directory $(pwd) should be mounted as a volume inside of the container at /app.
    • $(pwd): runs pwd ("print working directory") and puts it as part of the string.
  • /start-reload.sh: adding something (like /start-reload.sh) at the end of the command, replaces the default "command" with this one. In this case, it replaces the default (/start.sh) with the development alternative /start-reload.sh.

Development live reload - Technical Details

As /start-reload.sh doesn't run with Gunicorn, any of the configurations you put in a gunicorn_conf.py file won't apply.

But these environment variables will work the same as described above:

  • HOST
  • PORT

�� Alpine Python Warning

In short: You probably shouldn't use Alpine for Python projects, instead use the slim Docker image versions.

Do you want more details? Continue reading ��

Alpine is more useful for other languages where you build a static binary in one Docker image stage (using multi-stage Docker building) and then copy it to a simple Alpine image, and then just execute that binary. For example, using Go.

But for Python, as Alpine doesn't use the standard tooling used for building Python extensions, when installing packages, in many cases Python (pip) won't find a precompiled installable package (a "wheel") for Alpine. And after debugging lots of strange errors you will realize that you have to install a lot of extra tooling and build a lot of dependencies just to use some of these common Python packages. ��

This means that, although the original Alpine image might have been small, you end up with a an image with a size comparable to the size you would have gotten if you had just used a standard Python image (based on Debian), or in some cases even larger. ��

And in all those cases, it will take much longer to build, consuming much more resources, building dependencies for longer, and also increasing its carbon footprint, as you are using more CPU time and energy for each build. ��

If you want slim Python images, you should instead try and use the slim versions that are still based on Debian, but are smaller. ��


All the image tags, configurations, environment variables and application options are tested.

Release Notes

Latest Changes

  • �� Add note to discourage Alpine with Python. PR #122 by @tiangolo.
  • �� Add warning for Kubernetes, when to use this image. PR #121 by @tiangolo.
  • Fix typo, repeated word on README. PR #96 by @shelbylsmith.
  • �� Add external dependencies and Dependabot to get automatic upgrade PRs. PR #109 by @tiangolo.
  • Add Python 3.9 and Python 3.9 Alpine. PR #67 by @graue70.
  • �� Update Latest Changes. PR #108 by @tiangolo.
  • �� Allow GitHub workflow dispatch to trigger test and deploy. PR #93 by @tiangolo.
  • �� Add latest-changes GitHub action, update issue-manager, add funding. PR #70 by @tiangolo.


  • Add docs about installing and pinning dependencies. PR #41.
  • Add slim version. PR #40.
  • Update and refactor bringing all the new features from the base image. Includes:
    • Centralize, simplify, and deduplicate code and setup
    • Move CI to GitHub actions
    • Add Python 3.8 (and Alpine)
    • Add new configs and docs:
      • TIMEOUT
      • KEEP_ALIVE
      • ACCESS_LOG
      • ERROR_LOG
    • PR #39.
  • Disable pip cache during installation. PR #38.
  • Migrate local development from Pipenv to Poetry. PR #34.
  • Add docs for custom PRE_START_PATH env var. PR #33.


  • Refactor tests to use env vars and add image tags for each build date, like tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi:python3.7-2019-10-15. PR #17.
  • Upgrade Travis. PR #9.


  • Add support for live auto-reload with an additional custom script /start-reload.sh, check the updated documentation. PR #6 in parent image.


  • Set WORKERS_PER_CORE by default to 1, as it shows to have the best performance on benchmarks.
  • Make the default web concurrency, when WEB_CONCURRENCY is not set, to a minimum of 2 workers. This is to avoid bad performance and blocking applications (server application) on small machines (server machine/cloud/etc). This can be overridden using WEB_CONCURRENCY. This applies for example in the case where WORKERS_PER_CORE is set to 1 (the default) and the server has only 1 CPU core. PR #6 and PR #5 in parent image.


  • Make /start.sh run independently, reading and generating used default environment variables. And remove /entrypoint.sh as it doesn't modify anything in the system, only reads environment variables. PR #4 in parent image.


  • Add support for /app/prestart.sh.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

  • 最近在尝试用docker部署fastapi项目 他的基本架构是由nginx+guvicorn+uvicorn+fastapi项目组成的 Nginx nginx起到反向代理的作用 可能有人会问,为什么要用nginx反向代理,我直接访问项目不行吗? 其实nginx不只是反向代理的功能,还有很多像负载均衡、请求拦截、静态文件访问等等功能,而且他还隐藏了web服务的地址。 uvicorn uvicorn是

  • fastapi + uvicorn + gunicorn部署时run命令(20210308在用) run docker docker run -d \ --name mqsub \ --restart=always \ --network php-net \ -p 8000:80 \ -v /root/mqsub:/app \ -e KEEP_ALIVE="20" \ -e GRACEFUL_TI

  • Docker部署FastAPI FastAPI是什么?官网链接(中文) FastAPI是一个用于构建 API 的现代、快速(高性能)的 web 框架,使用 Python 3.6+ 并基于标准的 Python 类型提示。 对比Tornado呢? 相当于Golang(Go)语言中,Beego与Gin两个库的区别。如果是快速构建应用的话,那么Tornado是非常推荐的。因为Tornado采用Epoll模

  • Dockerfile部署fastapi # 引入python版本 FROM python:3.9 # 设置时间 RUN ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Beijing/etc/localtime # 输出时间 RUN echo 'Asia/Beijing' >/etc/timezone # 复制该文件到工作目录中 COPY ./requirements.txt /c

  • 我写了一个fastapi应用程序。现在我正在考虑部署它,但是我似乎遇到了奇怪的意外性能问题,这似乎取决于我使用的是uvicorn还是gunicorn。特别是,如果我使用gunicorn,所有代码(甚至是标准库纯python代码)似乎都会变慢。为了进行性能调试,我编写了一个小应用程序来演示这一点: 运行Fastapi Appi与: get to的共振体始终类似于: 然而使用: 我经常得到这样的时机

  • 我有一个本地运行的服务器。当我在AWS EC2上运行它并在8000端口上从外部发送请求时,我得到以下错误: 如果您能告诉我如何在端口80上执行此操作,那将非常好。

  • 我创建了一个个人使用的基本应用程序。我的应用程序的支持使用快速Api和SQLite数据库。通常要运行我的启动和运行我的后端服务器,我必须使用以下命令: 我以前见过其他人创建python可执行文件。我也想这样做,但我需要它来启动uvicorn服务器。如何创建运行uvicorn服务器的python可执行文件? 还是只编写一个执行此操作的批处理脚本更好?

  • 我正在学习Fastapi,我正在localhost启动一个uvicorn服务器。每当出现错误/异常时,我都不会得到回溯。所有我得到的是: 所以,调试很困难,我正在试用python的日志模块 我还尝试过使用调试参数启动uvicorn

  • 我的FastAPI应用程序似乎记录了很多事情两次。 这包括引发的任何异常,您将两次获得整个堆栈跟踪。我已经看到一些答案建议删除Uvicorn的日志处理程序,但这感觉是错误的。如果在堆栈的Uvicorn层发生日志事件,但在FastAPI中没有,该怎么办? 有没有一种方法可以只获取一次日志输出,而不只是覆盖uvicorn的日志处理程序?

  • 在这里我想问你,用python运行gunicorn-uvicorn和tiangolo的默认值有什么区别? 我曾尝试使用和线程属性对它们进行压力测试: 通过这些,我得到了结果: 从上面我试过: 带天戈罗基地的Dockerfile 这是我案例1(天戈罗基地)的Dockerfile: 这是我的案例2 Dockerfile(使用gunicorn命令的Python基础): 这是我的案例3 Dockerfil