Emacs integration for Docker!
Supports docker containers, images, volumes, networks, docker-machine and docker-compose.
The recommended way to install docker.el is through MELPA.
Here is a example use-package configuration:
(use-package docker
:ensure t
:bind ("C-c d" . docker))
Use M-x docker, select a resource then then mark or unmark items using the following keybindings (for moremarking possibilities, check out https://github.com/politza/tablist):
Binding | Description |
? | List actions |
l | Configure listing |
m | Mark item |
u | Unmark item |
t | Toggle marks |
U | Unmark all |
s | Sort |
* r | Mark items by regexp |
< | Shrink column |
> | Enlarge column |
C-c C-e | Export to csv |
Then select an action and follow the instructions.
You can also enter dired
or open a file inside a container or volume.
Thanks to transient, all the transients arguments can be set temporarily orpermanently. See https://magit.vc/manual/transient/Saving-Values.html#Saving-Values for more information.
There are also hidden items (e.g on M-x docker
where you could specify the host or TLS settings), seehttps://magit.vc/manual/transient/Enabling-and-Disabling-Suffixes.html for more information.
Here is a list of other customizations you can set:
Variable | Description | Default |
docker-command | The binary to use | docker |
docker-container-columns | Columns definition for containers | /bin/sh |
docker-container-default-sort-key | Sort key for containers | ("Image") |
docker-container-shell-file-name | Shell to use when entering containers | /bin/sh |
docker-image-columns | Columns definition for images | Too complex to show |
docker-image-default-sort-key | Sort key for images | ("Repository") |
docker-machine-columns | Columns definition for machines | Too complex to show |
docker-machine-default-sort-key | Sort key for machines | ("Name") |
docker-network-columns | Columns definition for networks | Too complex to show |
docker-network-default-sort-key | Sort key for networks | ("Name") |
docker-run-as-root | Run docker as root | nil |
docker-run-default-args | Base arguments to use for docker run | ("-i" "-t" "--rm") |
docker-volume-columns | Columns definition for volumes | Too complex to show |
docker-volume-default-sort-key | Sort key for volumes | ("Driver") |
docker run
You can match on the repository name for an image to customize the initial infix arguments via docker-image-run-custom-args
`("^postgres" ("-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" . ,docker-run-default-args)))
So when docker run
is called on an image whose repository name matches the regular expression ^postgres
, the option "-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres"
will appear as set along with the defaults specified by docker-run-default-args
The following configuration is required (some of it can probably be simplified by usinghttps://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell).
(setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":/usr/local/bin"))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/usr/local/bin")))
;; Use "docker-machine env box" command to find out your environment variables
(setenv "DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY" "1")
(setenv "DOCKER_HOST" "tcp://")
(setenv "DOCKER_CERT_PATH" "/Users/foo/.docker/machine/machines/box")
(setenv "DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME" "box")
This is necessary and useful if you use docker-machine
.Notice though that there is also a native MacOS Docker implementation(now called Docker Desktop)which does not depend on VirtualBox and which does not require these tweaks.
They are very welcome, either as suggestions or as pull requests by opening ticketson the issue tracker.
下载 # 拉取 ELK + Filebeat docker pull docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.6.1 docker pull docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.6.1 docker pull docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:7.6.1 docker pu
1.卸载 yum remove docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-engine 2.安装工具 yum install -y yum-utils 3.设置Yum源 yum-config-manag
换了个运行环境,重新搭建一套公司本地内部的ELK,之前也搭过(可访问:https://yanganlin.com/31.html),最近做什么事情都想用Docker,这次也用Docker,还算顺利,没掉什么坑里,上次搭建,也用用的6.2+的版本,这都过了一年,Elk这三个产品,都已经上7了,用docker搭建的还是用6.2.4,稳定不落伍就好 安装elasticsearch 安装 docker r
version: '3.1' services: elasticsearch: image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.2.4 container_name: elasticsearch ports: - "9200:9200" volumes: - elasticsearch-data:/usr
Docker - ELK 的安装 1、设置服务器虚拟内存连续堆大小 # 设置 sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 # 查看 sysctl -a | grep vm.max_map_count 参考 官方文档 1 官方文档 2
拉取相关镜像,版本号尽量一致 docker pull docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.14.0 docker pull docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:7.14.0 docker pull docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.14.0 建好文件夹 安装 Elas
Docker启动Elasticsearch 拉取镜像 docker pull elasticsearch:7.4.2 修改配置文件 mkdir -p /mydata/elasticsearch/config mkdir -p /mydata/elasticsearch/data/ mkdir -p /mydata/elasticsearch/plugins echo "http.host: 0.0
version: "3.3" services: elasticsearch: image: elasticsearch:7.17.1 container_name: elasticsearch ports: - "9200:9200" - "9300:9300" networks: - elastic