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Unofficial monero wallet GUI docker images
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 江宏放
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Unofficial Monero wallet GUI and daemon for docker

Unofficial monero wallet GUI docker image to be run standalone or inside a browser window using Xpra.

Having the wallet available as docker container has some advantages like:

  • Run the wallet GUI on a remote server inside a web browser window.
  • Run the wallet GUI locally without installing package dependencies.
  • Easier updating when new versions are available.
  • Run only the daemon on a remote server, and avoid the long blockchain sync waits each time the monerod daemon is started in your laptop.

Build instructions

We use docker-compose to build the images. Clone this repository and then:

cd docker-monero-wallet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build

This command will build the wallet and the monero daemon as separate images thatyou can launch independently.

How to run the Wallet

The wallet can be run in two ways:

  • As a standalone X11 application
  • Inside a web browser window using Xpra.

Currently the separate monerod container is still under development, so the wallet will start the daemon up as when run in your desktop.

Standalone wallet

The docker-compose file mounts your X11 session's socket (/tmp/.X11-unix) so the container can connect back to your X server. To start the wallet with docker-compose:

sudo docker-compose -p monerowallet up

To start the wallet in production mode the the -d parameter to the previouscommand:

sudo docker-compose -p monerowallet up -d

You can see the container logs with this command:

sudo docker-compose -p monerowallet logs -f

After the container finish starting up the Monero wallet will show up in yourscreen

Web view wallet

This is useful to run the wallet (and leave it running if you want) on a remote server and avoid wasting huge amounts of space locally holding the blockchain copy. I run it on a Synology NAS, which compared to my laptop it has tons of spare space and is always on and connected to the Internet.

To run the wallet inside a web browser you need to define the environment variable ENABLE_WEB_VIEW=yes. Then start the wallet with docker-compose as before:

sudo docker-compose -p monerowallet up

After some minutes the wallet will be available in http://[host]:10000, were host is the server name or IP address of the server running the wallet container.

alt text

You can change the port using the environment variable WEB_VIEW_PORT.

Note: Firefox is recommended, I have had issues with chrome when repainting the browser screen.

Running the monerod daemon only

If you just want to start the monerod daemon, for example to have it runningpermanently on a remote server or a NAS system, you can only start the monerodcontainer:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml -p monerowallet monerod up -d

The docker-compose file exposes to the host the port 18081 so you can connectwith your local desktop wallet (in that case you should configure an usernameand password for the daemon).


To enable debug output, set the environment variable DEBUG=yes.

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