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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 斜成济
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Data services library

If you develop services using Spring Boot and maybe Spring Cloud and you domedium sized tests during build process, then this set ofSpring Boot auto-configurations might be handy. By adding module into classpath, you will get stateful service,like Couchbase or Kafka, auto-started and available for connection from your application service w/o wiring anyadditional code. Docker and TestContainers are used tobootstrap stateful service using Spring Cloud bootstrap phase.Usage of Spring Cloud in your production code is optional, but you will need it in tests. See How to use below.

How to use

  1. Install Docker on your machine

  2. Make sure you have Spring Boot and Spring Cloud in classpath of your tests.In case if you need to pick version.

                <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.cloud/spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap -->
                <version>[pick version]</version>
    testcontainers-spring-boot project migrated to Spring Boot 2.4 in 2.0.0 version.Please note, that in order to use this project with Spring Boot 2.4, you need to use spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap dependency.For earlier Spring Boot (prior to 2.4) users — you need to use spring-cloud-starter dependency instead.
  3. If you do not use Spring Cloud - make it work for tests only:

                <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter -->
                <version>[pick version]</version>
                <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.cloud/spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap -->
                <version>[pick version]</version>
  4. Add data service library:

                <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.playtika.testcontainers/ -->
                <version>[pick version]</version>
  5. Use produced properties in your configuration.



Common configuration options

Shutdown of embedded containers on spring application shutdown immediately

embedded.containers.forceShutdown=true //default is false
Otherwise, it will be shutdown with delay, see https://github.com/testcontainers/moby-ryuk

Disables all embedded containers

embedded.containers.enabled=true //default is true
If you setup, for example embedded.kafka.enabled + embedded.containers.enabled, result will be same as using AND between two booleans.
embedded.kafka.enabled=false will cause DockerNotPresentException if you don’t have docker installed. But embedded.containers.enabled=false won’t cause any exceptions in this case.
Setting1 Setting2 Outcome



Memsql will not start



Memsql will not start



Memsql will start

embedded.containers.enabled is missing

embedded.memsql.enabled is missing

Memsql will start

Setting name Default value Description



Waiting time for a container to start in seconds



Enables a container to be started on startup



Enables a reuse container testcontainers feature.



List of keywords which combines into command for container startup. Some modules ship container’s commands by default, so resetting this value may lead to incorrect work of container.



key-value map of additional environment variables. Where key is name of variable and value is actual value of it.


empty list

List of files to include objects.Each object should have two parameters:

  • classpathResource (path to local file)

  • containerPath (path in a container to where file needs to be copied)


  classpathResource: "/my_local_file.txt"
  containerPath: "/etc/path_in_container.txt"


empty list

List of mount volumes to persist between container restarts.Each object should have three parameters:

  • hostPath (path to local file/directory)

  • containerPath (path in container to mount file/directory onto)

  • mode (access mode default READ_ONLY, or READ_WRITE)


  hostPath: "pgdata"
  containerPath: "/var/lib/postgresql/data"
  mode: READ_WRITE


empty list. NET_ADMIN is set for Aerospike, Couchbase, Elasticsearch, Kafka, Mariadb, Memsql, Minio, Mongodb, Mysql, Neo4j, Redis containers. NOTE: NET_ADMIN is needed for the NetworkTestOperations to work.

The Linux capabilities that should be enabled. You can disable all capabilities by providing empty value for this property.See: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html.Available values can be taken from com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Capability class.

How to contribute


  • There are 2 branches in project: master and develop

  • You need to fork project and create branch from develop

  • You do not need to update project version in pom.xml files, this will be done by release job

  • Once finished - create pull request to develop from your fork, pass review and wait for merge

  • On release, ci job will merge develop into master and remove snapshot + publish artifacts into public maven repo

Checklist for contributing new module

  • Naming/formatting patterns match existing code

  • Test for success scenario

  • Test for negative scenario (autoconfiguration is disabled via properties). How to test autoconfiguration

  • Add new module to testcontainers-spring-boot-bom

  • Module provides documentation in README.adoc and this documentation is included in parent README.adoc (see an example in already existing modules). Documentation should include:

    • maven module declaration

    • consumed properties

    • produced properties

    • notes (if applicable)

    • example of usage


  • 一、背景 SpringBoot进行单元测试的时候,基本上都离不开MySQL,而单元测试应该是不依赖于任何环境的,所以最初我们采用的单元测试的方法是mock组件的方式。如今随着docker技术越来越成熟,现在用在单元测试方面也变得更加方便。 Testcontainers Testcontainers是github开源组件,是利用本地启动docker容器的方式来替代环境中的组件,目前支持的组件有,my

  • TestContainers太棒了! 它提供了一种非常方便的方式来启动和清除JUnit测试中的Docker容器。 此功能对于将应用程序与实际数据库以及可使用docker映像的任何其他资源进行集成测试非常有用。 我的目标是演示使用TestContainers对基于JPA的Spring Boot Application进行示例测试。 该示例基于TestContainer github repo上的示例

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  • Testcontainers是一个Java库,可轻松将Docker容器集成到JUnit测试中。 在Containerized World中 ,将测试配置与嵌入式数据库和服务复杂化几乎没有意义。 而是使用在Docker中运行您的服务,并让Testcontainers为您管理此服务。 在此博客文章中,您将学习如何在Spring Boot 2集成测试中配置Testcontainer以运行PostgreS

  • Testcontainers Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Doc

  • 相关pom.xml 我的测试类: 我只是在试着测试数据库。 类级别上的@SQL注释不能像我的情况那样与Testcontainers初始化一起工作吗? 这里需要什么使我的两个初始脚本都运行? 我尝试使用.WithInitScript,它运行了。但是,我有很多数据要初始化,而且文件太大(而且会增长),所以我将DDL(模式)和Inserts(数据)分开。现在,我的问题是如何使用“WithInitScri

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  • 我在玩Testcontainers、Micronaut和Kotlin,不知何故Micronaut不想替换到我正在启动的MongoDB的动态端口及其目前的工作状态。 我还没有替换 这是我的设置代码: 错误消息:消息:无法解析占位符${MONGO_PORT}