Boilerplate with React
and Firebase
designed to quickly spin up a fully functional admin dashboard with authentication, authorization, Realtime Database / Firestore, built-in CI/CD, file upload and more. We're using up to date industry standards and next-gen technologies like React (with hooks), redux, bulma, sass, webpack, routing and a serverless architecture.
React Firebase Admin is our in-house admin dashboard boilerplate, used in many of our software projects here at CreateThrive. After months of hard work, we decided to make it public and support the open source community.
Why should I use it?
This project was bootstrapped with CRA (Create React App), this means it comes with all the good features we all know and love such as built-in scripts, to make our app a PWA (Progressive Web App) and much more!.
It is customizable.
It uses Firebase.
It has all the basic features you want in your app.
It is easy to use.
Bulma CSS framework (Mobile friendly
Redux implementation
Firebase/Redux implementation
Authentication & authorization
Pick between Realtime Database and Firestore
Create/modify/delete users
Automatic email invitation to new users
Image uploading
Change/Reset Password built into the dasbhoard.
User filtering and search
Built-in CI (Continous integration)
Built-in CD (Continous deployment)
PWA ready thanks to CRA and Firebase
Internationalization (English/Spanish)
Ability to choose between Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore
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