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开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 洪宏硕
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

This project is not being developed anymore. We will only reply to issues and to questions in the Zalenium Slack channel.

The last Zalenium release was 3.141.59z

From now on, we will spend our time just replying to new issues and answering questions at the Zalenium Slack channel.

Unfortunately, no new maintainers were found and this project won't be developed anymore.

The most relevant features from Zalenium are being/will be implemented in the upstream Grid 4.x, keep an eye on https://github.com/seleniumhq/docker-selenium/. You could migrate to this project in the near future.

We want to truly thank all of our users for making this a great project, helping us spread the word and improve the testing community ❤️ This project was made for the community and by the community!

This is a Selenium Grid extension to scale your local grid dynamically with docker containers. It usesdocker-selenium to run your tests in Firefox and Chrome locally, if youneed a different browser, your tests can get redirected to a cloud testing provider (Sauce Labs,BrowserStack, TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting, LambdaTest). Zalenium also works out of the boxin Kubernetes.

Zalenium's maintainers add new features regularly. We invite you to test it, report bugs, suggest any ideas you mayhave, and contribute. See our contributing guidelines for more details.


Thanks for open sourcing this. Our test suite run time has dropped from more than an hour to six minutes. — @TKueck

We know how complicated it is to:

  • Have a stable grid to run UI tests with Selenium
  • Maintain it over time (keep up with new browser, Selenium and drivers versions)
  • Provide capabilities to cover all browsers and platforms

That is why we took this approach where docker-selenium nodes arecreated on demand. Your UI tests in Firefox and Chrome will run faster because they are running on a local grid,on a node created from scratch and disposed after the test completes.

If you need a capability that cannot be fulfilled by docker-selenium,the test gets redirected to a cloud testing provider (Sauce Labs,BrowserStack, TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting, LambdaTest).

Zalenium's main goal is: to allow anyone to have a disposable and flexible Selenium Grid infrastructure.

Part of the idea comes from this Sauce Labs post.

What does Zalenium mean?

As you can imagine, it is the result of mixing Zalando and Selenium.As mentioned before, this project's aim is to provide a simple way to create a grid and contribute to the Selenium community.Nevertheless, this is not an official Selenium project. We kindly ask you to createissues in this repository. If you have questions about how to getstarted, please join the #zalenium channel on Slack.


Getting Started


  • Docker engine running, version >= 1.11.1 (probably works with earlier versions, not tested yet).

  • Make sure your docker daemon is running (e.g. docker info works without errors).

  • Pull the docker-selenium image. docker pull elgalu/selenium

  • docker pull dosel/zalenium

Run it

  • Zalenium uses docker to scale on-demand, therefore we need to give it the docker.sock full access, this is known as"Docker alongside docker".

    # Pull docker-selenium
      docker pull elgalu/selenium
      # Pull Zalenium
      docker pull dosel/zalenium
      docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos \
        --privileged dosel/zalenium start
    • Why --privileged? We suggest you run Zalenium as --privileged to speed up the node registration process byincreasing the entropy level with Haveged. Using --privileged is optionalsince it is just meant to improve its performance. For more information, check thistutorial.
  • Try also our one line installer and starter for OSX/Linux (it will check for the latest images and ask for missing dependencies.)

    curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dosel/t/i/p | bash -s start
  • More usage examples, parameters, configurations, video usage and one line starters can be seen here

  • After the output, you can check the grid console

  • Now you can point your Selenium tests to http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

  • Stop it: docker stop zalenium

Additional features

  • Video recording, check them in the /tmp/videos folder (or the one you mapped when starting Zalenium)
  • Customise video file naming via capabilities, basic auth and more


Check the complete documentation at https://zalando.github.io/zalenium/


See License


See Security

  • 如果你从未安装和使用过Docker ,请参考 Docker教程https://www.runoob.com/docker/centos-docker-install.html docker的安装: 使用国内 daocloud 一键安装命令: curl -sSL https://get.daocloud.io/docker | sh sudo yum remove docker \        

  • 参考地址: 1、https://www.cnblogs.com/fnng/p/8439359.html 2、https://note.youdao.com/ynoteshare1/index.html?id=7b736ee55402df637d3e7150f434a97d&type=note 3、https://opensource.zalando.com/zalenium/ 4、https://

  • 我目前正在将我的cucumberjvm/selenium项目与zalenium集成。这很容易,一切都像魅力一样,但只有一个小例外。当驱动程序实例化为zalenium时,我会发送所需的功能,例如: DesiredCapabilities.setCapability("build","我的发布名称");DesiredCapabilities.setCapability("name","My test

  • 我试图在Azure中新部署的aks Kuberbetes(1.9.6)集群中部署zalenium helm chart。但我不让它起作用。豆荚给出了下面的日志: 描述pod给出:警告不健康4M(x12超过6M)kubelet,aks-agentpool-93668098-0就绪探测失败:HTTP探测失败,状态代码:502 Zalenium图像版本:Dosel/Zalenium:3 如果使用Kube