AdaptJS is a system to easily, reliably, and repeatably deploy your full-stack applications. Adapt specifications look like React apps, but instead of rendering browser DOM elements like <input>
, or <div>
, Adapt specifications use elements like AWS <EC2Instance>
, Kubernetes <Pod>
, or <MongoDB>
database.An Adapt description for a complete front end and back end app stack looks like this:
import Adapt from "@adpt/core";
import { NodeService, ReactApp } from "@adpt/cloud/nodejs";
import { Postgres } from "@adpt/cloud/postgres";
function MyApp() {
const pg = Adapt.handle();
return (
<ReactApp srcDir="../frontend" />
<NodeService srcDir="../backend" connectTo={pg} />
<Postgres handle={pg} />
Each of the components above renders to simpler components until they get to primitive infrastructure.You can also specify a style sheet to customize how components render to infrastructure (e.g., Docker vs. Kubernetes vs. AWS).Styles can also swap out components entirely, for example, using a test database for your test environment and a hosted database service for production.
If you're already familiar with React, you'll feel right at home with Adapt.But if not, don't worry, knowledge of React isn't required to start using Adapt.You can get started with a starter, write your code and deploy, and come back to the Adapt specification when you need to change how it gets deployed.
For a new project, it's easy to get started with Adapt by using a starter template.The Getting Started Guide will walk through installing Adapt and deploying your first starter app.
This example creates a new full-stack app from a starter template.It has a React UI, an Nginx web server, a Node.js API server, and a Postgres database, then deploys it to Kubernetes:
# Install adapt
npm install -g @adpt/cli
# Create a new app from a starter template
adapt new hello-react-node-postgres ./myapp
cd myapp/deploy
# Deploy full stack locally using Docker
adapt run laptop
# Or just as easily deploy everything to Kubernetes
adapt run k8s-test
This demo shows using Adapt to create and deploy a simple app called MovieDB that has a React UI, an Nginx web server, an Nginx URL router, a Node.js API server, and a Postgres database, then deploys it to Kubernetes:
Learn more about Adapt.
This guide will walk you through setting up Adapt and then deploying an example MovieDB app.
Adapt tutorials, API References, and more.
We'd love to hear about your experience with Adapt!Join us on our Gitter channel to ask questions or to give us your feedback and suggestions.
If you've found a bug, you can also file an issue.
绝大多数资料的表述:adapt是用来在线学习(增量学习)的,前提输入形式为cell类型的;triain是用来离线学习(批量学习)。所以找几个函数命令进行测试加以验证。 采用linearlayer验证 验证方法: (一)使用网络 linearlayer 1, cell输入形式 输入 P={[1;2][2;1] [2;3] [3;1]}; 目标值 T={4 5 77} 使用adapt; 输入命令: P
adapt, adopt 和 adept 这三个单词拼法几乎完全相同,只有一个字母不一样。很多同学看到它们就晕了,分不清哪个是哪个。在此我们做一个汇总,一起来好好记忆一下吧,大家可不要混淆了! 在词性上,adapt 和 adopt 都是动词,而 adept 作形容词或名词。 adapt =to change, to adjust 是指为某种目的,或为适应环境而改变。其中可以分为三层意思: 1. (
Here two sequences of 12 steps (where T1 is known to depend on P1) are used to define the operation of a filter. p1 = {-1 0 1 0 1 1 -1 0 -1 1 0 1}; t1 = {-1 -1 1 1 1 2 0 -1 -1 0 1 1}; Here NEWLIN i
问题内容: 我正在构建一个应用程序,以从后端服务器下载PDF文件。我写了以下代码: 在后端服务器上,方法如下: 我从我的适配器调用此rest方法为: 通话结束后,我从此服务获得以下响应: 如何解析此响应为PDF文件并将其显示给用户?当我使用以下代码从应用程序中简单地调用此适配器方法时,当我右键单击适配器并选择运行为“调用移动适配器”时,也会收到此响应: 我在浏览器的控制台上得到了相同的响应,但是正
问题内容: 我有一个附加的适配器。适配器在网格中填充图像。我已经设置为,并且仅在适配器中实现。在适配器中,我有一个包含所有已添加图像的资源ID的ID,它包含一个扩展的ID 和其他属性设置的ID 。 现在,我想将所选图像的图像更改为其他图像。这里是我的代码:在设置网格的适配器中: 适配器: 日志: 日志显示&中的对象均已更新且具有正确的值。毕竟,图像也不会在屏幕上更新。该也是从活动通过网格的对象。我
问题内容: 我的RecyclerView不会调用onCreateViewHolder,onBindViewHolder,因此,在recyclerview中不会显示任何内容。我放置了调试日志,但未显示日志。可以是什么? 我的适配器: 我将用于在RecyclerView中添加项目。 在片段中: XML档案: comment_row xml文件: 我将使用以下代码将项目添加到RecyclerView:
本文向大家介绍说说响应式设计(responsive design)和自适应设计(adaptive design)的区别?相关面试题,主要包含被问及说说响应式设计(responsive design)和自适应设计(adaptive design)的区别?时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 responsive design 同代碼 adaptive design 不同代碼
问题内容: Hibernate继续将SQL跟踪发送到stdout,当隐藏在JPA适配器后面时,我不知道如何更改Hibernate配置属性。这是entityManagerFactory的Spring bean: 即使将showSql属性设置为false,Hibernate也会继续打印SQL。 我试图用“ hibernate.show_sql = false”在类路径中创建一个
本文向大家介绍Android Adapter的几个常用方法,包括了Android Adapter的几个常用方法的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 Android Adapter的几个常用方法分享给大家,具体内容如下 1 ListView是在什么时候设置对Adapter的数据监听的? 在setAdapter(ListAdapter adapter)中,会先取消ListView中原来的mAd
本文向大家介绍javascript设计模式之Adapter模式【适配器模式】实现方法示例,包括了javascript设计模式之Adapter模式【适配器模式】实现方法示例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了javascript设计模式之Adapter模式。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 所谓Adapter模式就是适配器模式,主要是指使两个原本没有关联的类结合一起使用。 JS实
主要内容:本节引言,1.MVC模式的简单理解,2.Adapter概念解析,3.代码示例:,本节小结:本节引言 从本节开始我们要讲的UI控件都是跟Adapter(适配器)打交道的,了解并学会使用这个Adapter很重要, Adapter是用来帮助填充数据的中间桥梁,简单点说就是:将各种数据以合适的形式显示到view上,提供 给用户看! 1.MVC模式的简单理解 在开始学习Adapter之前我们要来了解下这个MVC模式概念: 举个例子:大型的商业程序通常由多人一同开发完成,比如有人负责操作接口的规划