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TP-Link Smarthome Plugin for Homebridge
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 路奇
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


TPLink Smart Home Plugin for Homebridge. (formerly homebridge-hs100)

Models Supported

  • Plugs: HS100, HS103, HS105, HS107, HS110, HS300, KP105, KP303, KP400
  • Switches: HS200, HS210, HS220
  • Bulbs: LB100, LB110, LB120, LB130, LB200, LB230

More models may be supported than listed. If you have another model working please let me know so I can add here.


Model Service Characteristics
HS100, HS103, HS105, HS107, KP105, KP303, KP400 Outlet On
OutletInUse (based on On state)
HS110, HS300, KP115 Outlet On
OutletInUse (based on energy monitoring)
Volts (Custom)
Amperes (Custom)
Watts (Custom)
VoltAmperes (Custom)
KilowattHours (Custom)
KilowattVoltAmpereHour (Custom)
HS200, HS210 Switch On
HS220 Lightbulb On
LB100, LB110, LB200 Lightbulb On
Watts (Custom)
LB120 Lightbulb On
Watts (Custom)
LB130, LB230 Lightbulb On
Watts (Custom)


Manual Installation

  1. Node v10 or greater is required. Check by running: node --version
  2. Install Homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge or sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge (more details)
  3. Homebridge v1.1.0 or greater is required. Check by running homebridge --version
  4. Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-tplink-smarthome
  5. Update your configuration file. See the sample below.

Homebridge Config UI X Installation

Check out Homebridge Config UI X for easier setup. This plugin can be installed from the Plugins tab by searching.


  • npm update -g homebridge-tplink-smarthome


Sample Configuration


Most setups do not require any other configuration to get up and runing.

"platforms": [{
  "platform": "TplinkSmarthome",
  "name": "TplinkSmarthome"

All options with defaults

See config.ts for documention on these options. It is recommended to use Homebridge Config UI X to setup the configuration if you don't want to manually edit JSON files.

"platforms": [{
  "platform": "TplinkSmarthome",
  "name": "TplinkSmarthome",

  "addCustomCharacteristics": true,
  "inUseThreshold": 0,
  "switchModels": ["HS200", "HS210"],

  "discoveryPort": 0,
  "broadcast": "",
  "pollingInterval": 10,
  "deviceTypes": ["bulb", "plug"],
  "macAddresses": undefined,
  "excludeMacAddresses": undefined,
  "devices": undefined,

  "timeout": 15,
  "transport": 'tcp',
  "waitTimeUpdate": 100
MAC Addresses

MAC Addresses are normalized, special characters are removed and made uppercase for comparison. So any format should work: AA:BB:CC:00:11:22 or aaBbcc001122 are valid. Glob-style pattern matching is supported: ? will match a single character and * matches zero or more. To specify all MAC addresses that start with AA you could use AA*

Eve Screenshot - Custom Characteristics

Custom Characteristics in Eve

Devices that support energy monitoring (HS110, etc) will have extra characteristics that are viewable in the Eve app (such as Watts). Turn this off by setting addCustomCharacteristics false. When this is on, you will see warnings on startup that you can ignore.

HAP Warning: Characteristic E863F10D-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52 not in required or optional characteristics for service 00000047-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291. Adding anyway.

Discovery and Broadcast

This plugin uses UDP broadcast to find devices on your network. This is also how the Kasa app finds devices. Try setting the broadcast configuration if you're having discovery issues. Some users have reported that rebooting their router or changing some router settings have fixed discovery issues.

Manually Specifying Devices

If you have a network setup where UDP broadcast is not working, you can manually specify the devices you'd like this plugin to use. This will send the discovery message directly to these devices in addition to the UDP broadcast. Note that your device must have a static IP to work.

"platforms": [{
  "platform": "TplinkSmarthome",
  "name": "TplinkSmarthome",

  "devices": [
    { "host": "" },
    { "host": "" },
    { "host": "", "port": "9999" } // port defaults to "9999" but can be overriden

Accessory Names

Note the name in Homebridge/HomeKit may be out of sync from the Kasa app. This is a Homebridge/HomeKit limitation. You can rename your accessory through the Home app.


UUID Errors

Error: Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as another bridged AccessoryIf you get an error about duplicate UUIDs you'll have to either remove your cached configuration files or manually edit them to remove the offending entry. By default they are stored in ~/.homebridge/accessories. In some cases you may also need to remove ~/.homebridge/persist and re-pair homebridge to your home.

You can remove them by running:

  • rm -rf ~/.homebridge/accessories
  • rm -rf ~/.homebridge/persist


Thanks to George Georgovassilis and Thomas Baust for reverse engineering the HS1XX protocol.

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  • 岗位: 解决方案技术工程师 形式: 线下(hr要走了,所以约的高铁站肯德基店)30min 总的来说,问的比较常规,没有过多问简历 1.自我介绍 2.父母工作 3.有没有对象 4.对岗位的理解 5.遇到最困难的事情(追问细节) 6.朋友的评价 7.成绩方面(挂科没 四六级) 8.为什么能胜任工作(这个感觉答的不好) 9.之前有接触过硬件吗 10.兴趣爱好 11.性格 12.喜欢与人沟通吗 反问: 岗

  • 嵌入式软件开发 7.20一面 40分钟 1.自我介绍,比赛,成绩,项目深挖 2.堆和栈的区别 3.c++三大特性 4.进程间通信方式 5.tcp udp区别 6.引用和指针的区别 剩下一堆忘了 8.3二面 50分钟 1.自我介绍,面试官觉得我的项目比较简单... 2.socket 3.线程池 4.输入网站时候各个环节对应的协议 5.OSI 7层模型and5层TCP/IP模型 6.ip及mac地址

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  • Homebridge 是一个轻量级 NodeJS 服务器,它模拟 iOS HomeKit API,提供从 HomeKit 到“智能家居”设备制造商提供的各种第三方 API 的基本桥接。通过 Homebridge 的桥接,可以让 Siri 控制完全不支持 HomeKit 的设备。 此外 Homebridge 支持插件。

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