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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
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Nest Remote Sensor API

This app gets the temperature of the remote sensor. It's a super hacky work around until Nest releases their official API for this. It might stop working at any time.

This app is built for a PAAS host like Heroku. You can run this locally by using node index.js

Getting started

First you need to get the UDID of the remote sensor. You can do this by running node index.js and visiting localhost:5000/get-udid. This will log a JSON response of the remote sensors. Grab the UDID and request to temperature by visiting localhost:5000/get-temp/UDID

Use with homebridge

Use the homebridge-http-temp module to get the data from this node app.

Here is the config I used (replace 11A111AAA11A1111 with your UDID):

"accessories": [
        "accessory": "HttpTemperature",
        "name": "Another Room's Name",
        "url": "",
        "http_method": "GET",
        "field_name": "temperature",
        "update_interval": "600000ms",
		"manufacturer": "Nest",
		"model": "Remote Sensor",
		"units": "F"

Replace the URL with the hostname or IP this node app.

  • remote 模块提供了一种在渲染进程(网页)和主进程之间进行进程间通讯(IPC)的简便途径。 Electron中, 与GUI相关的模块(如 dialog, menu 等)只存在于主进程,而不在渲染进程中 。为了能从渲染进程中使用它们,需要用ipc模块来给主进程发送进程间消息。使用 remote 模块,可以调用主进程对象的方法,而无需显式地发送进程间消息,这类似于 Java 的 RMI。 下面是从

  • 在渲染进程中使用主进程模块。 进程: 渲染进程 remote 模块为渲染进程(web页面)和主进程通信(IPC)提供了一种简单方法。 在Electron中, GUI 相关的模块 (如 dialog、menu 等) 仅在主进程中可用, 在渲染进程中不可用。 为了在渲染进程中使用它们, ipc 模块是向主进程发送进程间消息所必需的。 使用 remote 模块, 你可以调用 main 进程对象的方法,

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  • WinSCP offers unique feature to execute command on remote server as with regular terminal client. However as it cannot implement the terminal fully, there are some limitations. Particularly, you canno

  • remote-sh 提供了一种相当友好的方式去管理服务器上的 shell 脚本,可以轻松地添加、修改、删除、运行它们。 每个脚本可以被一个独特的 URL 请求触发运行,例如: $ curl https://YOUR_REMOTE_SH_HOST/script/run/example.sh/UNIQUE_SIGN_FOR_THIS_SCRIPT 这套系统利用 Access Key 策略来认证你的身份