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An occupancy sensor for Homebridge and UniFi
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 范浩宕
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Homebridge UniFi Occupancy Sensor

This Homebridge plugin will provide an occupancy sensor accessory to HomeKit based on the devices connected to WiFi access points managed by a UniFi Controller.

The plugin connects to the UniFi Controller event web socket to get instant notifications of connecting devices - which can then be used to trigger HomeKit actions like turning on the lights.


Homebridge Config

The easiest way to configure this plugin is via Homebridge Config UI X.

"accessories": [
    "accessory": "UniFi Occupancy Sensor",
    "name": "Occupancy Sensor",                    // Required. The name of the sensor.
    "unifi": {
      "controller": "https://demo.ubnt.com:8443",  // Required. The url of the UniFi Controller. Use port 443 for UnifiOS
      "username": "superadmin",                    // Required. A read-only user is fine.
      "password": "password",                      // Required.
      "site": "default",                           // Optional. The UniFi site to connect to.
      "secure": false,                             // Optional. Set true to validate the SSL certificate.
      "unifios": false                             // Optional. Set true if your controller runs on UnifiOS. Use port 443 as well.
    "watch": [                                     // Optional - use either watch or monitor.
    ],                                             // An array of device MAC addresses to watch for.
    "monitor": [
      {                                            // Optional - use either watch or monitor. 
        "device": "44:00:10:f0:3e:67",             // An array of device MAC/AP combinations to watch for.
        "ap": "44:00:10:f0:3e:44"
    "watchGuests": true,                           // Optional. Set false to not monitor guest networks.
    "interval": 1800,                              // Optional. Polling interval used to query Unifi in seconds 
    "mode": "any"                                  // Optional. Set to "any", "all" or "none".

Site Name

If you're using a non-default site you will need to specify the name of the site in the plugin config. The internal site name might not match the name you have allocated to the site exactly, you can get the required site name by navigating to the site in the unifi controller then looking at the url bar:


In this case the site name is mofkpypu and this is the value that should be entered in your Homebridge config.


Copyright (C) 2017-2021 oznu

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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