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Dynamic platform plugin for homebridge instances
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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 袁旻
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Instances!Platform v1.4

Creating and maintaining Homebridge plugins consume a lot of time and effort, if you would like to share your appreciation, feel free to "Star" or donate.

HomeKit Overview

This is a dynamic platform plugin for Homebridge to control your homebridge instance(s). It is capable to dynamically add or remove services, depending on if service is enabled or disabled! It is also possible to add a listener to your journalctl. The listener will listen on errors and will send a notification (via telegram) if a service crashes.

This plugin supports following functions:

Main Switch:

  • Temperature: Shows current CPU temperature
  • Uptime: Shows uptime of the computer
  • CPU Usage: Shows summarized CPU usage of all detected services
  • RAM Usage: Shows summarized CPU usage of all detected services
  • Disk Space: Shows available disk space
  • Updatable Plugins: Shows amount of updatable plugins and extra switch to update all plugins
  • Accessories: Shows amount of published accessories (only for homebridge instances in insecure mode (-I) and Pin 031-45-154 (removed)


  • Service Power Switch: Start/Stop Homebridge Instance
  • Service Status: Shows current state of the homebridge instance (active/inactive)
  • Service Uptime: Shows current uptime of the homebridge instance
  • Service CPU Usage: Shows CPU usage of all running services
  • Service RAM Usage: Show RAM usage of all running services

Installation instructions

After Homebridge has been installed:

  • (sudo) npm i -g homebridge-instances-platform@latest

Basic configuration

"bridge": {
"accessories": [
 "platforms": [
     "platform": "InstancesPlatform",
     "startParam": "homebridge",
     "clearCache": false,
     "sudo": false,
     "temperature": {
       "active": true
       "active": true,
       "token": "TELEGRAMTOKEN",
       "chatID": "TELEGRAMCHATID",
       "filter": ["Main process exited", "Error", "error", "ERROR"],
       "filterInstances": ["homebridge-alexa"],
       "spamInterval": 1,
       "updatesPolling": 12
     "exclude": ["homebridge-alexa"]

See Example Config for more details.


Attributes Required Usage
platform Yes Must be InstancesPlatform
startParam No The word with which all .service files start (Default: "homebridge")
clearCache No If true, the accessory will be removed from HomeKit (Default: false)
sudo No If you have problems starting/stopping an instance, set this true (Default: false)
polling No Polling interval in seconds (Default: 5s)
temperature.active No Temperature Characteristic for CPU Temperature (Default: false)
temperature.file No Custom file path to CPU Temperature (eg for Orange PI)
temperature.multiplier No Custom multiplier (eg for Orange PI)
notifier.active No Telegram notification (Default: false)
notifier.token No Telegram Bot Token
notifier.chatID No Telegram Chat ID
notifier.filter No An array/string of matches to filter (Default: ['Main process exited'])
notifier.filterInstances No An array/string of matches to filter instances (Default: false)
notifier.spamInterval No Timer in minutes to block telegram spam (Default: 1 min)
notifier.updatesPolling No Polling interval in hours for check plugin updates (Default: 12h)
exclude No An array of services to exclude from discovery

Supported clients

This plugin has been verified to work with the following apps on iOS 12.2 and iOS 12.3 Beta:

  • iOS 12.2 / iOS 12.3 Beta
  • Apple Home (partial)
  • All 3rd party apps like Elgato Eve etc. (recommended)
  • Homebridge v0.4.48
  • Debian


You can contribute to this homebridge plugin in following ways:

  • Report issues and help verify fixes as they are checked in.
  • Review the source code changes.
  • Contribute bug fixes.
  • Contribute changes to extend the capabilities

Pull requests are accepted.


Upgrading from v1.4.5 to 1.4.6 or higher

Due to some major bugfixes, you need to remove the Accessory from HomeKit! After update, set "clearCache": true in your config.json and restart homebridge. This will remove the accessory from HomeKit and your cache. After this, set "clearCache": false in config.json and restart homebridge again. This will add the Accessory (Switch) to HomeKit again

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