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Balboa Spa HomeKit

GO HERE: https://github.com/vincedarley/homebridge-plugin-bwaspa as this work is more complete and took it to the next level!

Using MQTT, Homebridge & Node-Red to expose Balboa Spa controller in Homekit

Let's be honest here...I have a day job...this is me hacking over weekends and nights to figure this out. I used a logic analyzer to snoop on the bus (it is serial BTW) and then found some people online who had hacked this before. I thank them and will collect up licks to their work and to all the things below when I have a tad more time.

Recent Changes

  • added a lockout feature where you can lock the setting to keep anyone from messing with them
  • addded some more error handling
  • added data collection for a influxdb data collection (trying to get the rate of heat loss and time to ready so I know...)


  • Spa controller on your network
  • Node-Red - https://nodered.org
  • The nodes listed in this flow - Node-Red will tell you which ones you are missing
  • MQTT Server (I use mosquitto docker image) - https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-mosquitto
  • the paths follow a pattern of /hottub/circpump and I guess I should pull a list of all of them, but when you look at the flow you should see them all. Basically one for each control.
  • homebridge with the MQTT things plugin
  • if you dont care about the data logging remove the parts of the flow touching influxdb

Example of one of the Homebridge accessories (you will need one of these for each item you want to put in homekit)

            "accessory": "mqttthing",
            "type": "switch",
            "name": "Hot Tub Lights",
            "url": "http://MQTT SERVER:1883",
            "topics": {
                "getOn": "/hottub/lights",
                "setOn": "/hottub/lights/set"
            "onValue": "3",
            "offValue": "0"

Helpful Screenshots

  • SPA

    概述 SPA是为构建WebApp设计的路由控制和视图转换框架 SPA专注于解决构建WebApp时遇到的共性问题,尤其适用于构建MobileApp, 我们和jQuery Mobile、Sencha Touch等框架不同, 并不是一个构建移动端应用的前端整体解决方案,所以我们不包含UI组件,如果你不想自己设计界面, 可以用Bootstrap、Topcoat等UI Components框架配合SPA,

  • ANTD-SPA React+Antd后台管理系统 效果图 快速开始 1.克隆项目 git clone git@github.com:zhaoyu69/antd-spa.git 2.安装客户端依赖 cd clientnpm i 3.运行客户端 npm run start 4.安装服务端依赖 cd ../servernpm i 5.运行服务端 npm run start

  • 本软件是用来创建一个托管静态web页面的服务,目标是使单页应用部署简便、开销少、性能高。 基于 Hyper 和 warp 构建。 SSL 基于 Rustls。 服务器端缓存、客户端缓存(Cache-Content)、Gzip压缩。 SPA 版本管理, 仅需要一个 http 请求就能实现版本回滚和更新。 支持热更新(Mac and Linux)。 支持 CORS 跨域 http/https 同时服务

  • 用Knockout, Require, Director, jQuery, Sugar搭建的单页程序(SPA Single Page Application)框架。 特征 快速,轻巧(缩小了100 KB的JS,并压缩为初始内核设置)。 使用Knockout 3.4.0+,可以使用Knockout的Web组件和自定义标签。 组件文件(html,js,css)按需动态加载:仅当组件位于视图中时。 提供

  • SPA vs MPA 单页面应用(SinglePage Web Application,SPA) 多页面应用(MultiPage Application,MPA) 组成 一个外壳页面和多个页面片段组成 多个完整的页面构成 资源共用(js,css) 共用,只需要在外壳部分加载 不共用,每个页面都需要加载 刷新方式 页面局部刷新或更改 整页刷新 url模式 a.com/#/pageone a.com/

  • vue-spa-project 基于vue.js技术栈,采用MVC等分层结构设计、数据解耦设计、组件化和自动化构建的单页应用项目。 技术栈 vue.js(2.4) vuex(状态管理) vue-router(前端路由,异步加载) fetch(替代ajax,更高效地进行网络请求) element-ui(基于vue的PC端UI组件库) Webpack(自动构建) Babel预编译(ES6、SCSS等)