Homebridge plugin for displaying a Website (intended for Google Maps-->Traffic) as Camera
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Make sure you have homebridge installed.
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
, output should be similar to (chromium-browser:30533): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display
sudo npm install -g homebridge-website-to-camera
using the sample below (append in the block 'platforms' not 'accessories')Update your config similar to this:
"platforms": [
"platform": "website-camera",
"cameras": [
"name": "Website 1",
"url": "http://github.com",
"chromiumPath": "/usr/bin/chromium-browser"
You can add multiple cameras!
Take a look at the example config.json
name of the camera (required)id
unique(!) identifier for that specific camera (optional)url
the URL of the website that is to be captured (required)scale
HomeApp requests an (probably device dependent) size for the preview-image.With e.g. scale
set to 2
(default) the virtual browser window is set to this size. Best is to skip this field.width
/ height
the width/height of the virtual browser window. This is optional and overrides scale
path to chromium-executable (defaults to "/usr/bin/chromium-browser")timeout
timeout in ms for waiting until the page has no more pending requests. resembles to puppeteer.goto() (defaults to 10000 --> 10s)renderTimeout
timeout in ms for waiting AFTER the page has loaded before taking the screenshot. userful for PWAs. (defaults to 1ms)ignoreHTTPSErrors
ignore HTTPS errors, useful for self-signed certificates (defaults to false
)In some cases, the camera is not visible in Home-App:
Add device
Code missing
The plugin uses Puppeteer/Chrome headless to capture the screenshots. The Browser instance stays open all the time for better performance and less CPU/Mem consumption.
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