Living Stories,从网络中发掘新闻的新方式。使用这个技术平台可以在一个动态的网页捕捉事态的发展,让读者有很多方法轻松对信息进行选择。Living Stories 帮助了《纽约时报》在如全球变暖、阿富汗战争、N.F.L.季后赛以及行政赔偿问题上引导读者。《华盛顿邮报》使用它报道医疗改革 、红人队的赛季以及华盛顿特区的学校制度改革。 自从我们12月运行了Google Labs 实验这个项目,75% 的人较于传统在线新闻更细化Living Stories 。用户还花费了大量时间探索新闻。这表示人们对新闻以引人入胜的方式呈现抱有强烈愿望。
Hello. I’m sure by the time I get to end of this sentence, given how I talk, you’ll all have figured out that I’m from a place called planet Earth. Earth is pretty great. It’s home to us. And germs. T
15. GNU and Copyleft Talking about free software reminds me a talk I went to when I was in school. It was by Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU project which includes many necessary tools like E
Agnew, Bryn. "No Paper Cowboys": Stories. Master of Arts (Creative Writing), December 2015, 109 pp, references, 12 titles. Equilibrium is paramount in the crafting of a story, and for every writer thi