授权协议 Apache
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 开发工具、 程序调试工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 国产
投 递 者 齐运诚
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


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composer require simps/mqtt-cli



$ php vendor/bin/mqtt publish --help
Publishing simple messages
publish [options]
-H, --host[=HOST]                        Specify the host to connect to [default: "localhost"]
-P, --port[=PORT]                        Connect to the port specified [default: 1883]
-t, --topic=TOPIC                        The MQTT topic on which to publish the message
-m, --message=MESSAGE                    Send a single message from the command line
-i, --id[=ID]                            The id to use for this client [default: ""]
--qos[=QOS]                          Specify the quality of service to use for the message, from 0, 1 and 2 [default: 0]
--dup[=DUP]                          If the DUP flag is set to 0, it indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this PUBLISH packet [default: 0]
-r, --retain[=RETAIN]                    If the RETAIN flag is set to 1 in a PUBLISH packet sent by a Client to a Server, the Server MUST replace any existing retained message for this topic and store the Application Message [default: 0]
-u, --username[=USERNAME]                Provide a username to be used for authenticating with the broker
-p, --pw[=PW]                            Provide a password to be used for authenticating with the broker
-c, --clean-session[=CLEAN-SESSION]      Setting the 'clean session' flag [default: true]
-l, --level=LEVEL                        MQTT Protocol level [default: 4]
-k, --keepalive[=KEEPALIVE]              The number of seconds between sending PING commands to the broker for the purposes of informing it we are still connected and functioning [default: 0]
--will-topic[=WILL-TOPIC]            The topic on which to send a Will, in the event that the client disconnects unexpectedly
--will-message[=WILL-MESSAGE]        Specify a message that will be stored by the broker and sent out if this client disconnects unexpectedly
--will-qos[=WILL-QOS]                The QoS to use for the Will [default: 0]
--will-retain[=WILL-RETAIN]          If given, if the client disconnects unexpectedly the message sent out will be treated as a retained message [default: 0]
-S, --ssl[=SSL]                          Enable SSL encryption [default: false]
--config-path[=CONFIG-PATH]          Setting the Swoole config file path
--properties-path[=PROPERTIES-PATH]  Setting the Properties config file path
-h, --help                               Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
-q, --quiet                              Do not output any message
-V, --version                            Display this application version
--ansi                               Force ANSI output
--no-ansi                            Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction                     Do not ask any interactive question
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose                     Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
An MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1/5.0 client for publishing simple messages


$ php vendor/bin/mqtt subscribe --help
Subscribing to topics
subscribe [options]
-H, --host[=HOST]                        Specify the host to connect to [default: "localhost"]
-P, --port[=PORT]                        Connect to the port specified [default: 1883]
-i, --id[=ID]                            The id to use for this client [default: ""]
--qos=QOS                            Specify the quality of service to use for the message, from 0, 1 and 2 (multiple values allowed)
-t, --topic=TOPIC                        The MQTT topic to subscribe to (multiple values allowed)
-u, --username[=USERNAME]                Provide a username to be used for authenticating with the broker
-p, --pw[=PW]                            Provide a password to be used for authenticating with the broker
-c, --clean-session[=CLEAN-SESSION]      Setting the 'clean session' flag [default: true]
-l, --level=LEVEL                        MQTT Protocol level [default: 4]
-k, --keepalive[=KEEPALIVE]              The number of seconds between sending PING commands to the broker for the purposes of informing it we are still connected and functioning [default: 0]
--will-topic[=WILL-TOPIC]            The topic on which to send a Will, in the event that the client disconnects unexpectedly
--will-message[=WILL-MESSAGE]        Specify a message that will be stored by the broker and sent out if this client disconnects unexpectedly
--will-qos[=WILL-QOS]                The QoS to use for the Will [default: 0]
--will-retain[=WILL-RETAIN]          If given, if the client disconnects unexpectedly the message sent out will be treated as a retained message [default: 0]
-S, --ssl[=SSL]                          Enable SSL encryption [default: false]
--config-path[=CONFIG-PATH]          Setting the Swoole config file path
--properties-path[=PROPERTIES-PATH]  Setting the Properties config file path
-U, --unsubscribe[=UNSUBSCRIBE]          Topics that need to be unsubscribed (multiple values allowed)
-e, --event[=EVENT]                      Subscribed EventDispatcher [default: ""]
  -n, --no-interaction                     Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                     Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
  • 小剧场 测试:裤裆你这页面刷新就白屏啊,怎么了啊,而且你看这 network,怎么这些 js 这么大啊,很耗流量而且加载速度还很慢诶。 我:嗯,大佬说的是,页面刷新白屏是因为没有服务器没有配置找不到资源重定向,js 可以用 CDN 或者启动一下 gzip,这个让后端或者运维小妹妹配一下就好了。 后端:啥,你说啥,我不会,话说,上次那个接口返回 null 的问题我还想找你,为啥我返回 null 就不

  • 什么是MQTT? MQTT(消息队列遥测传输)是ISO 标准(ISO/IEC PRF 20922)下基于发布/订阅范式的消息协议。它工作在 TCP/IP协议族上,是为硬件性能低下的远程设备以及网络状况糟糕的情况下而设计的发布/订阅型消息协议,为此,它需要一个消息中间件 。 MQTT是一个基于客户端-服务器的消息发布/订阅传输协议。MQTT协议是轻量、简单、开放和易于实现的,这些特点使它适用范围非常

  • 消息队列的回调,可以帮助我们知道任务的结果,无论是成功还是失败,我们可以根据结果执行不同的操作, 取消订阅的sdk源码 /** * Unsubscribe for messages, stop receiving messages sent to destinations described by the filter. * * @name Paho.MQTT.Client#u

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  • 消息队列处理后台任务带来的问题 项目中经常会有后台运行任务的需求,比如发送邮件时,因为要连接邮件服务器,往往需要5-10秒甚至更长时间,如果能先给用户一个成功的提示信息,然后在后台慢慢处理发送邮件的操作,显然会有更好的用户体验。 为了实现类似的需求,Web项目中一般的实现方法是使用消息队列(Message Queue),比如MemcacheQ,RabbitMQ等等,都是很著名的产品。 消息队列说白

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  • 工欲善其事,必先利其器。学好SQLite的命令行工具,对于我们学习SQLite本身而言是非常非常有帮助的。最基本的一条就是,它让我们学习SQLite的过程更加轻松愉快。言归正传吧,在SQLite的官方下载网站,提供了支持多个平台的命令行工具,使用该工具我们可以完成大多数常用的SQLite操作,就像sqlplus之于Oracle。以下列表给出了该工具的内置命令: 命令名 命令说明 .help 列出所

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  • 10.1. 命令行工具 Name Synopsis .. 5a 5a is a version of the Plan 9 assembler. 5c 5c is a version of the Plan 9 C compiler. 5g 5g is the version of the gc compiler for

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