jQuery SOAP Client

授权协议 未知
所属分类 jQuery 插件、 其他jQuery插件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 宰父嘉胜
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

This is a jQuery implementation of SOAP Client and it is based on another jQuery plug-in called xmlObjectifier.

This library provides an easy way to communicate with SOAP web services from the client-side javascript (all domain restrictions are still there). SOAPClient supports complex/nested request objects as well as attributes and values within request object nodes. You can also set Header objects as well.

Practical example of how to use SOAPClient can be found on my site by following Demo link. I also have included a simple ASP.NET Proxy example that will resolve Cross-Browser Restrictions (if you're running IIS w/ ASP.NET)

var soapBody = new SOAPObject("testObject"); //Create a new request object
soapBody.attr("type","test"); //Setting attributes of that object
soapBody.val("Hello World"); //Setting value of that object

//You can also use chained method that looks like this:
// var soapBody = new SOAPObject("testObject").attr("type","test").val("Hello World");

//Create a new SOAP Request
var sr = new SOAPRequest("MyAction", soapBody); //Request is ready to be sent

//Lets send it
SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://my-ws.com/webservice/"; //Specify web-service address or a proxy file
SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, processResponse); //Send request to server and assign a callback

function processResponse(respObj) {
//respObj is a JSON equivalent of SOAP Response XML (all namespaces are dropped)
//... do something with response

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