这是一个纯 JavaScript 的 HTML 文档解析器,在线演示。
HTMLParser("<p id=test>hello <i>world", {
start: function( tag, attrs, unary ) {
results += "<" + tag;
for ( var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++ )
results += " " + attrs[i].name + '="' + attrs[i].escaped + '"';
results += (unary ? "/" : "") + ">";
end: function( tag ) {
results += "</" + tag + ">";
chars: function( text ) {
results += text;
comment: function( text ) {
results += "<!--" + text + "-->";
results == '<p id="test">hello <i>world</i></p>"
我正在尝试react-html-parser在我的docker容器’client’中安装: docker-compose.yml client/ Dockerfile-dev node_modules/ src/ components/ Seeds.jsx 并尝试在这里导入: Seeds.jsx import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Re
问题的提出是我需要将另一个网页的某些内容解析出来并集成到当前正在处理的网页中。第一想法就是,使用dojo.xhrGet得到网页的内容,再使用某种Javascript Library来解析。我熟悉的dojo并没有这种库,查询了一下,jQuery也没有。后来发现jQuery的作者,鼎鼎大名的John Resig有这样一个库,支持SAX语法和DOM树的构建: Pure JavaScript HTML P
From HTML to HTML (via HTML) Knowing the internals of the HTML family of web standards is quite important when you are using software such as Thymeleaf. At least if you want to understand what you are