Rythm.js 是一款能够让页面“跳舞”的 Javascript 库,它能够让页面支持脉冲、跳跃、摇动、扭动、淡入淡出、变换颜色等特效,同时还可以播放音频,使页面更有趣。
var rythm = new Rythm(); /* The starting scale is the minimum scale your elements will take (Scale ratio is startingScale + (pulseRatio * currentPulse)); * Value in percentage between 0-1 * Default 0.75 */ rythm.startingScale = value; /* The pulse ratio is be the maximum additionnal scale your element will take (Scale ratio is startingScale + (pulseRatio * currentPulse)) * Value in percentage between 0-1 * Default 0.30 */ rythm.pulseRatio = value; /* The max value history represent the number of passed value that will be stored to evaluate the current pulse. * Int value, minimum 1 * Default 100 */ rythm.maxValueHistory = value; /* Set the music the page will dance to. * @audioUrl : '../example/mysong.mp3' */ rythm.setMusic(audioUrl); /* Used to collaborate with other players library * You can connect Rythm to an audioElement, and then control the audio with your other player */ rythm.connectExternalAudioElement(audioElement) /* Adjust music's gain. * @value : Number */ rythm.setGain(value); /* Add your own rythm-class * @elementClass: Class that you want to link your rythm to. * @danceType : Use any of the build in effect or give your own function; * @startValue: The starting frequence of your rythm. * @nbValue: The number of frequences of your rythm. * 1024 Frequences, your rythm will react to the average of your selected frequences. * Exemples : bass 0-10 ; medium 150-40 ; high 500-100 */ rythm.addRythm(elementClass, danceType, startValue, nbValue); /* Plug your computer microphone to rythm.js * This function return a promise resolved when the microphone is up. * Require your website to be run in HTTPS */ rythm.plugMicrophone().then(function(){...}) //Let's dance rythm.start(); //Stop the party rythm.stop();
转载自 http://blog.csdn.net/qq_26536483/article/details/78261515 简介 rythm.js是一款让页面元素跳动起来的插件,并且带音乐,共7种用法,包括脉冲、跳跃、摇动、扭动、淡入淡出、变换颜色等特效 基本用法 1 <div class="rythm pulse"></div> 2 3 var rythm = new Rythm(); 4
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