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Google Go for IntelliJ Idea

授权协议 Apache
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 插件和扩展、 IDEA插件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 鲁浩言
操作系统 Windows
适用人群 未知

这是一个 IntelliJ IDEA 的插件,用来开发 Google Go 的应用程序。


  • Basic language parsing and highlighting
  • Code folding
  • Brace matching
  • Comment/Uncomment (Single/Multiple line) support
  • Go SDK (work with the latest release and on windows)
  • File type icon
  • Go application file and library generation.
  • Auto completion of sdk package names and/or local application packages.
  • Compilation of the go applications (supported semantics are similar to those of gobuild)
  • Go To definition (for types) works across files and Go SDK
  • Code formatting - experimental (disabled)
  • Type name completion
  • ColorsAndSettings page with a new color scheme
  • Automatically add new line at end of file
  • Force UTF-8 encoding for go files
  • Go module type
  • Go SDK indexing mode
  • 找到idea安装目录的bin目录,搜索vmoptions可以看到两个文件,idea.exe.vmoptions idea64.exe.vmoptions1 这两个文件就是IDEA的一些配置文件,带64位的对应64位的启动器,不带的对应32位,默认启动的是32位,你使用的是哪一个启动器就改哪一个,最好是两个一起都修改下(推荐)。 修改两个文件中这一项,将Xmx设置为小一点,就可以解决IDEA闪退的问

  • google-java-format plugin should intercept the “Reformat Code” action in IDEA (Ctrl+Alt+L) and apply its own rules. However, it does not work with imports for some reason, so to fix that you have to i