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授权协议 LGPL
开发语言 C# .NET
所属分类 程序开发、 网络工具包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 焦苏燕
操作系统 Windows
适用人群 未知

Packet.Net 是一个.NET程序包,提供了剖析和构建网络数据包的功能。可以通过类的属性来调整各种数据包的参数。


using PacketDotNet;

// open the capture file
SharpPcap.LivePcapDevice dev = new SharpPcap.LivePcapDevice("SomeCapturedPackets.pcap");

// read a raw packet
rawPacket = dev.GetNextRawPacket();

// parse the packet
Packet p = Packet.ParsePacket((LinkLayers)rawPacket.LinkLayerType,
new PosixTimeval(rawPacket.Timeval.Seconds,

// print out the packet contents


[EthernetPacket: 00234D5BF88B -> 00183F7775D1 proto=IpV4 (0x800) 
l=14][IPv4Packet: -> HeaderLength=5
Protocol=TCP TimeToLive=64][TCPPacket: SourcePort: 59038 ->
DestinationPort: 443 ack[218134930 (0xd007992)]]
  • 原文地址链接: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/sharppcap/index.php?title=Main_Page SharpPcap and Packet.Net are related. Packet parsing was originally a part of SharpPcap but was split out into Packet.

  • ARM64 support for LinuxKit on packet.net As some may know, following the Unikernel Systems acquisition, I currently do contract work for Docker Inc. in addition to my day job here at the Cambridge Uni

  • In one of our products we retrieve data from the Oracle database using stored procedures using the ODP.net managed driver. Every now and then (roughly every 1000 queries) we get the following exceptio

  • 今天切换环境进行调试,某一个接口突然出现报错: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unable to parse TLS packet header at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngine.unwrap(ConscryptEngine.java:807) at com.android.org.conscrypt.Conscry

  • 本篇文章是再UDP发消息的升级版,UDP聊天 一个Demo01负责消息发送,Demo02负责接收消息 消息发送方 建立一个socket 准备数据,从控制台读取数据 (1)建立缓冲输入流 (2)建立循环发送消息,已经终止循环的条件 释放资源 package Udp聊天; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; impor

  • In one of our products we retrieve data from the Oracle database using stored procedures using the ODP.net managed driver. Every now and then (roughly every 1000 queries) we get the following exceptio

  • 背景:最近做了一个项目,需要对接第三方接口,需要使用.net socket.io作为客户端来收发指令。虽说socket.io并不难,但是使用过程中还是遇到一些问题,特此记录一下。 先看socket.io介绍:Socket.io是一个WebSocket库,包括了客户端的js和服务器端的nodejs,它的目标是构建可以在不同浏览器和移动设备上使用的实时应用。它会自动根据浏览器从WebSocket、AJ

  • 首先查看一下源代码 shell#>vim /usr/include/bits/socket.h line 62 /* Protocol families. / line 83 #define PF_PACKET 17 / Packet family. */ line 94 /* Address families. */ line115 #define AF_PACKET PF_PACKET 看来数

  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42093488/article/details/80468069 Packet for query is too large (6071393 > 4194304). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet' variable.

  • 从网上甚至MSDN上找的关于TcpClient的代码大多都是非常简单让你无法改造或者C#代码直接转换不成VB的,今天就非常直白的把我的代码写出来以便初学VB的人使用TcpClient。 现在开始一步一步的来 【定义TcpClient】 Dim Client as New TcpClient() Client.ReceiveBufferSize = 4095 【连接到指定主机】 Client.Co

  • 我把SQL数据库的表(Northwind/Customers)连接到网页的DataGrid上,想在上显示客户数据.但在调试/启动时出错,错误信息为: 18456:用户'HARRY-K9/ASPNET'登陆失败. 我想问题肯定是在连接字符串上,但不知道如何修改.特此寻 我把SQL数据库的表(Northwind/Customers)连接到网页的DataGrid上,想在上显示客户数据.但在调试/启动时出

  • 第一步: //创建OkHttpClient OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .connectTimeout(ApiService.DEFAULT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .readTimeout(ApiS



