etm 是 Event and Task Manager 的缩略词,提供一个简单直观的使用纯文本文件存储数据的个人任务管理,提供命令行接口用来查看存储的数据,基于 PyQT 开发。
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act_ru_task:任务表 act_ru_identitylink:权限表(流程定义和用户组(用户)之间的权限数据) act_ru_variable:参数表 act_hi_attachment:任务附件(可以以流的方式存储到act_ge_bytearray表中(父表),外键CONTENT_ID_(没有强制物理关系)) act_hi_comment:任务评论和事件记录表(由type决定,"eve
The core business of jBPM is the ability to persist the execution of a process. A situation in which this feature is extremely useful is the management of tasks and tasklists for people. jBPM allows t
Chapter 6. Task Execution Most concurrent applications are organized around the execution of tasks: abstract, discrete units of work. Dividing the work of an application into tasks simplifies program Table 5.5 Comparison of Process Data Supplied by Task Manager and System Monitor Task Manager process measure Description System Monitor proc
Some PLF-based controls expose a convenient facility for temporarily disabling their events and for checking if an event is being raised. The following sample code illustrates how it is used. using In
1. 创建监听器 var listener = cc.EventListener.create({ event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE, swallowTouches: true, onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) {
send task 其实只是代表一个send动作,具体send什么camunda 不管。 send 一个Correlation message 可以触发创建一个以message start event 开始的process instance,send message时候可以带上variables。 以下为一个send 类的代码,发送2个message public class SendTask import; import com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSetException; import com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataSet;
TaskExecutor抽象 Spring 2.0 为执行器(Executor)处理引入了一个新的抽象层。Executor是Java 5的名词,用来表示线程池的概念。之所以用这个奇怪的名词,是因为实际上不能保证底层实现的确是一个池。实际上,很多情况下,executor只是单线程。Spring的抽象层帮助你把线程池引入到Java 1.3和1.4环境中,同时隐藏了 1.3, 1.4, 5, 和 Jav
Task service supports task listeners to be invoked upon various life cycle events happening on given task instance. In majority of cases task event listeners are used to intercept certain operation to
Note: I have a requirement about create a subtask and assigned to some person or group when user new a task. here is the steps and code. Create suabtask event: /// <summary> /// An it
My To Do List (Task Manager) With everything that business owners deal with throughout their day, there should be one thing that always helps. Sometimes all you have to do is make a list and things wi
OSAL(Operating System Abstraction Layer 操作系统抽象层)(以上为个人见解)在OSAL中,提出了任务,事件,消息三个概念。它们之间的关系如下: event: 事件是当前系统中被触发的动作,例如有按键按下,接收到其他节点发送过来的消息等等。 message: 消息是收到的事件和事件内容的一个封装,比如发生了一个事件(收到别的节点发的消息),这时就会把这个事件所对