A command line tool that allows you to easily share files and directories over the network
Precompiled executables are available for Linux and macOS from Releases page.
Due to the snap's confined nature, the application can only access files in the user's home directory.To access files under /media
or /mnt
directories you have to manually connect the snapto the removable-media
interface by running the following command in a terminal
sudo snap connect zipstream:removable-media
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mamantoha/zipstream.git
Switch to repo-directory
cd zipstream
shards build
Copy ./bin/zipstream
to executable path.
Help message:
zipstream - is a command line tool that allows you to easily share files and directories over the network
zipstream PATH [options]
If PATH is not specified it point to current directory
-h, --help give this help list
-l, --log logging of requests/responses
-w, --web run WEB Server with the directory listing
-H HOST, --host=HOST the host (default: ``)
-p PORT, --port=PORT the port (default: `8090`)
-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT the format of output archive, zip, tar or tgz. Only for CLI mode. (default: `zip`)
-o FILENAME, --output=FILENAME the output file name without extension. Only for CLI mode. (default: `download`)
-e PATH, --endpoint=PATH the URL path to the resource. Only for CLI mode. (default: ``)
-j, --junk-parent stream the content of an archive without including the parent directory
-h, --hidden match hidden files and folders
--user=user the username user for file retrieval
--password=password the password password for file retrieval
-V, --version print program version
Sharing a directory as tar archive:
$ zipstream -f tar /media/disk/music --user=admin --password=passwd -o music -e dl
_ _
(_) | |
_____ _ __ ___| |_ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___
|_ / | '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \
/ /| | |_) \__ \ |_| | | __/ (_| | | | | | |
/___|_| .__/|___/\__|_| \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|
| |
Serving `/media/disk/music` as `music.tar`
To download the file please use one of the commands below:
wget --content-disposition --user admin --password passwd
curl -OJ --user admin:passwd
Or place all files into current folder:
wget -O- --user admin --password passwd | tar -xvf -
curl --user admin:passwd | tar -xvf -
Or just open in browser:
Run an ad hoc http static server in specified directory, available at http://localhost:8090:
zipstream /media/disk/crystal --web
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)ZipInputStream: ZipInputStream(InputStream in) :创建新的 ZIP 输入流。 int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) :从当前 ZIP 条目读入字节数组。 long skip(long n) :跳过当前 ZIP 条目中指定的字节数。 int available()
将图片或文档按要求打包并下载一个用于PHP的快速简单的流式压缩文件下载器。使用这个库可以省去将Zip文件写入磁盘的麻烦。你可以直接发送给用户,这要快得多。它可以与S3桶或任何PSR7流一起工作。 安装composer require maennchen/zipstream-php 打包并下载(官方例子)// Autoload the dependencies require 'vendor/aut
ZipArchive php自带的类库,无需安装 官方文档:https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.ziparchive.php 前端代码 <button id="download_imgs">导出学生图片资源 </button> <script>
1、安装 zipstream pip install zipstream 2、简单封装下zipstream # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import zipfile import os import zipstream class ZipUtilities: zip_file = None def __init__(self): self.z
我有一个 PHP网站有很多媒体文件,用户需要能够一次下载多个文件作为.zip.我试图使用 ZipStream在“存储”压缩的情况下随时为拉链提供服务,因此我实际上不必在服务器上创建一个zip,因为一些文件是巨大的,压缩它们的速度太慢了. 这是非常好的结果文件可以打开每个zip程序,我尝试没有错误,除了OS X的默认解压缩程序,存档实用程序.您双击.zip文件,并且Archive Utility决定