is a repository of third-partylibrary interface definitionsfor use with Flow.
You can grab definitions directly from this GitHub repo, or you can use the CLI (currently in beta) to install a libdef for a given library:
$ yarn global add flow-typed
$ cd /path/to/my/project
$ yarn install
$ flow-typed install rxjs@5.0.x
'rxjs_v5.0.x.js' installed at /path/to/my/project/flow-typed/npm/rxjs_v5.0.x.js
When you start a project with Flow, you likely want to use some third-partylibraries that were not written with Flow. By default, Flow will just ignorethese libraries leaving them untyped. As a result, Flow can't give errors ifyou accidentally mis-use the library (nor will it be able to auto-complete thelibrary).
To address this, Flow supportslibrary definitions which allowyou to describe the interface of a module or library separate from theimplementation of that module/library.
The flow-typed
repo is a collection of high-quality library definitions,tests to ensure that definitions remain high quality, and tooling to make itas easy as possible to import them into your project.
All you have to do when you add one or more new dependencies to your projectis run flow-typed install
. This will search the libdef repo and download allthe libdefs that are relevant for your project and install them for you. Afterthat, simply check them in and be on your way!
Check out Importing And Using Type Definitionsin the wiki. It will walk you through using typedefs installed through flow-typed,as well as writing and including your own.
Before opening an issue, take a look at the FAQs.Chances are your question has already been answered! If not, don't hesitate toopen an issue.
Just send a pull request! The wiki onContributing Library Definitionsdetails the format of new contributions. Contributions should follow the best practices outline onCONTRIBUTING.md.
Bugfixes and improvements to the core CLI are welcome. If you'd like to contributea new feature, consider opening an issue first to discuss it.
CLIThe flow-typed
npm package provides a CLI that includes several commands forworking with this repository. The full list of commands is available atCLI Commands & Flags.
flow-typed install [package-specification] [--ignoreDeps deps]
Installs libdefs from looking at your package.json.
If package-specification
was specified, only that one libdef will be installed.If the --ignoreDeps
flag was specified, the libdefs for the specified deps will be ignored. i.e: --ignoreDeps dev bundled peer
flow-typed install foo@1.2.3
flow-typed validate-defs
Verifies that all files under the /definitions/
directory are structured andnamed properly. It does not run tests, it only asserts that file anddirectory names match the expected conventions.
This command is run during CI.
flow-typed run-tests [optional-pattern]
For each libdef, find each test and run it with all compatible versions of Flow.If any errors arise that are not // $FlowExpectedError
, the test has failed.
Note that this command assumes that the /definitions/
directory is correctlystructured. It should be run after running flow-typed validate-defs
flow-typed update-cache [--debug]
By default flow-typed retrieves all available libdefs from its related upstreamrepository. To make this process more efficient, those libdefs are cached onceon your local filesystem. Usually, the cache will automatically be updated aftera short grace period during a libdef installation, but sometimes it is useful todo this update manually. Use this command if you want to download the mostrecent definitions into the cache for yourself.
flow-typed create-stub package-specification [--typescript]
Creates any
-typed libdef that you can fill in.
If the --typescript
flag was set to true
, TypeScript definition would be converted to flow-typed libdef format if possible.Please report any issues that you have encountered to flowgen repository.
flowgen supports most of the TypeScript syntax, however, in some cases manual changes may be needed before use.You can check out supported syntax constructs in flowgen's “The state of converter” section.
After you have edited these files, consider contributing them back to flow-typed.
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@AndrewSouthpaw | @GAntoine | @pascalduez | @villesau |
此为官方文档,因为墙的问题,记录下来: Before spending the time to write your own libdef, we recommend that you look to see if there is already a libdef for the third-party code that you’re addressing. flow-typed is a
flow-typed 安装 全局 npm install -g flow-typed 测试代码 一个简单全局函数 目录根目录 flow-typed userLibDef.js declare function userlogin(a: number): string; 配置flowconfig 查找typedefine [ignore] [include] [libs] ./flow-type
babel6 babel7 by Jamie Kyle 杰米·凯尔(Jamie Kyle) 当您已经准备好Babel时设置Flow (Setting up Flow when you’ve already got Babel in place) Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript. It makes you more productive by
认识 Flow Flow 是 facebook 出品的 JavaScript 静态类型检查工具。Vue.js 的源码利用了 Flow 做了静态类型检查,所以了解 Flow 有助于我们阅读源码。 #为什么用 Flow JavaScript 是动态类型语言,它的灵活性有目共睹,但是过于灵活的副作用是很容易就写出非常隐蔽的隐患代码,在编译期甚至看上去都不会报错,但在运行阶段就可能出现各种奇怪的 bug。
Flow入门初识 Flow是facebook出品的JavaScript静态类型检查工具。 由于JavaScript是动态类型语言,它的灵活性也会造成一些代码隐患,使用Flow可以在编译期尽早发现由类型错误引起的bug,这种方式非常有利于大型项目源码的开发和维护。 一、 Flow的安装 npm install --g flow-bin 创建一个项目文件夹./demo进入项目文件夹。 npm init
Flow 是 facebook 出品的 JavaScript 静态类型检查工具。Vue.js 的源码利用了 Flow 做了静态类型检查,所以了解 Flow 有助于我们阅读源码。 为什么用 Flow JavaScript 是动态类型语言,它的灵活性有目共睹,但是过于灵活的副作用是很容易就写出非常隐蔽的隐患代码,在编译期甚至看上去都不会报错,但在运行阶段就可能出现各种奇怪的 bug。 类型检查是当
关于本文: 原文地址 翻译地址 译者:野草 本文发表于前端早读课【第897期】 你是否经常在debug那些简单可避免的bug?可能你给函数传参的时候搞错了参数的顺序,或者本来应该传个Number类型的参数,你传了一个String类型?JavaScript的弱类型是这一类bug的罪魁祸首,静态类型语言中不存在此类bug。 Flow就是JavaScript的静态类型检查工具,由Facebook团队于2
by Fabian Terh 由Fabian Terh 使用Flow检查React,Redux和React-Redux的全面指南 (A comprehensive guide to type checking React, Redux, and React-Redux with Flow) This article is divided into 4 sections: 本文分为4个部分: Typ
If you come to JavaScript from other programming languages you are familiar with types. You have types in JavaScript too, but you do not have to specify these types when declaring variables, receiving
Flow 是 Facebook 出品的一个用于 JavaScript 代码的静态类型检查工具。用于找出 JavaScript 代码中的类型错误。Flow 采用 OCaml 语言开发。
本文向大家介绍GitHub Flow ,包括了GitHub Flow 的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 示例 在许多开源项目中很受欢迎,但不仅如此。 特定位置(Github,Gitlab,Bitbucket,本地服务器)的主分支包含最新的可移植版本。对于每个新功能/错误修复/体系结构更改,每个开发人员都会创建一个分支。 更改发生在该分支上,可以在拉取请求,代码审查等中进行讨论。一旦接受更改
Note: Functions taking Tensor arguments can also take anything accepted by tf.convert_to_tensor. Contents Control Flow Control Flow Operations tf.identity(input, name=None) tf.tuple(tensors, name=None
Data Flow 只是一种应用架构的方式,比如数据如何存放,如何更改数据,如何通知数据更改等等,所以它不是 React 提供的额外的什么新功能,可以看成是使用 React 构建大型应用的一种最佳实践。 正因为它是这样一种概念,所以涌现了许多实现,这里主要关注两种实现: 官方的 Flux 更优雅的 Redux
Introduction Generating the documentation for a project involves a fair number of steps but can be best summarized with the following Activity Diagram: This three step process enables phpDocumentor to
Introduction Based on the real-time statistics collected in Sentinel, FlowSlot will use pre-set rules to decide whether the incoming requests should be controlled. One resource can have multiple flow
Drools Flow为Drools平台提供了工作流或者(业务)流程能力。一个业务流程或者工作流使用一个流程图表描述了一系列需要执行的步骤的顺序。这使得它更容 易来描述一个各种不同任务的复杂组合。流程在描述基于状态的,长时间运行的过程时特别有用。Drools Flow允许最终用户使用这些流程来指定,执行和监控(一部分)他们的业务逻辑。Drools Flow流程框架可以很容易地嵌入到任何的Java应